Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1295 She Can Afford a House in the County

Chapter 1295 She Can Afford a House in the County

However, seeing Su Qingyao bought so many things in big and small bags, Mrs. Wu said with a bit of eccentricity, "Hey, the fifth sibling is really rich now. When you come to the county town, you can buy so many things so expensive. See Have you made a lot of money doing business these days?"

When Mrs. Wu said this, she naturally couldn't see that the fifth house was living a better life than the eldest house.

It's their big house, although they have everything now, but they don't buy so much like Su Qingyao.

After a while, you get a lot of money!Even if she spends money, she still has to weigh it.

After all, it's a matter of life, and now that my daughter has grown up, she won't go to the point of being extravagant.

Su Qingyao didn't know that Mrs. Wu was targeting her and what she said, so she just replied lightly, "This is still affordable, but it's much worse than my sister-in-law's house! I'm just adding something casually. It's not like my sister-in-law's family has their own house in the county, but it's much better than our fifth house."

Mrs. Wu didn't hear Su Qingyao's other meanings, and she felt much better only when the fifth room was indeed not as good as the first room.

Then his tone became a little more kind, and he said, "Since the fifth brother and the fifth sibling are back, let's prepare for dinner!"

Hearing that she was about to eat, Yin Cuihua touched her stomach, and glanced at Su Qingyao and Qin Sheng with some complaints.

"When is this? You just came back now, and you deliberately let everyone wait for you to eat, right? You don't know how to be conscious when you go to other people's homes, and you know how to cause trouble for others."

Originally, Su Qingyao and Qin Sheng didn't take her to the street together today, so Yin Cuihua already complained in her heart.

Now that she came back so late again, she wanted to have dinner a long time ago, that's why she said this to Su Qingyao and Qin Sheng on purpose.

"Mother, I was already back, but something suddenly delayed me, and we didn't do it on purpose." Qin Sheng explained.

"What's the delay? In my opinion, I overplayed it and forgot!
It's good to be in the county town, but your fifth house is not as lucky as the big house. You can live here, what's the point of wandering around?Can you buy something at most? "Yin Cuihua choked Qin Sheng.

The corner of Su Qingyao's mouth twitched, not knowing what Yin Cuihua meant by that.

If you don't live in the county, is it possible that you can't go shopping more?

Is it illegal to go shopping?
She doesn't plan to live in the county yet, so she has no plan to buy a house in the county.

If it really counts, Su Qingyao can still afford a house in the county with a little money at most.

Qin Sheng originally wanted to argue with Yin Cuihua, but Su Qingyao took Qin Sheng's hand and whispered in Qin Sheng's ear, "Why are you talking to her? It's a waste of saliva, why don't you save some energy to eat!"

Qin Sheng thought about what Su Qingyao said made sense!

His mother just had nothing to do, and wanted to pick something out, so if he continued talking, he might never end.

"Well, I'll listen to my wife!" Qin Sheng showed his big white teeth.

Yin Cuihua continued to speak a few words, but when she saw that Su Qingyao and Qin Sheng ignored her, she shut her mouth resentfully, too lazy to continue.

Dafang continued to prepare a sumptuous dinner in the evening. Su Qingyao, Qin Sheng, and Xiao Baozi had been shopping all afternoon and ate a lot of street food, so they didn't have much appetite for dinner.

(End of this chapter)

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