Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1300 Who Is Blind

Chapter 1300 Who Is Blind

Su Qingyao's carriage first sent Yin Cuihua back to the Qin family's yard.

Knowing that Su Qingyao and the others went to the county seat, the Qin family was a little excited when they saw them come back.

First, I wanted to see if Su Qingyao and Qin Sheng had brought them gifts after they went to the county.

On the other hand, I want to ask what the situation in the county is like. Basically, these people have never been to the county, so they are somewhat yearning and curious about the county.

Qin Sheng listened to the carriage, and said to Yin Cuihua and Su Qingyao who were in the carriage, "Mother, daughter-in-law, we have arrived!"

Hearing that she was home, Yin Cuihua breathed a sigh of relief!

After bumping on the road for so long, I finally made it back!
If this continues, Yin Cuihua will feel that her old bones will be broken.

Yin Cuihua climbed out of the carriage, a little unable to move, saw Mrs. Cao standing in the yard, and habitually ordered from Mrs. Cao, "Third daughter-in-law, are you blind? Didn't you see?" Seeing that my old lady can't climb anymore, why don't you hurry up and help me, and help me down!"

After hearing Yin Cuihua's words, Mrs. Cao curled her lips in displeasure, not knowing how Yin Cuihua had the nerve to say it.

"Mom, are you saying I'm blind? I think it's you!" Mrs. Cao was annoyed!
"You stinky bitch, how do you talk? What nonsense? You dare to say that my old lady is blind, do you want to be beaten?"

Cao Shi still said unhappily, "Mother, I'm telling the truth, not nonsense!

Didn't you see that I have a big belly?You even asked me to come and help you, aren't you afraid that you might accidentally touch me and hurt the child in my stomach?Really..."

Cao's heart kept complaining that Yin Cuihua was too shameless!
It's not that I can't walk by myself, why should I order her around!

Yin Cuihua glanced at Mrs. Cao lightly, and said in a somewhat eccentric tone, "What's wrong with the big belly? You're just hypocritical, and even helping you can hurt you?"

Mrs. Cao snorted coldly, "Mother, there is a good saying, don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case, what if you get hurt?"

"If you get hurt, you get hurt. What's the big deal? Hehe, third daughter-in-law, I didn't say that my son is definitely a loser in your belly. What can I do if I get hurt?" Yin Cuihua said, His eyes were full of sarcasm.

Cao almost ran away because of Yin Cuihua's words.

This old woman is really too much!
Before she gave birth, she began to curse that she couldn't have a son. Is there any reason for this?
Mrs. Cao argued with Yin Cuihua angrily, "Mother, is it too hurtful for me to say that? I am pregnant with the son of your Qin family, and the child of the third child. You just want your third child so much." Can't have a son? Do you want him to become extinct?"

After Cao finished speaking, Qin Fang, who was standing beside him, complained, "Qin Fang, listen, listen to what you can say, and I deliberately hope that no one will have a son for you!"

Qin Fang is a man. For him, he would be a little embarrassed in the village without a son, so Qin Fang naturally hoped that Cao's child would give him a good one.

Hearing his mother say that now, I naturally felt a little uncomfortable.

Qin Fang twitched the corner of his mouth and said to Yin Cuihua, "Mother, this matter is indeed your fault, how can you curse that our third room has no son?"

Seeing that the third child was also protecting her mother-in-law, Yin Cuihua felt even more depressed.

(End of this chapter)

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