Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1306 Son Has Nothing Important

Chapter 1306 Son Has Nothing Important
Although what Qin Sheng said was the truth, Qin Fang still gritted his teeth angrily.

This unscrupulous fifth younger brother just wanted him to make a fool of himself and see his embarrassment.

The things that were moved down fell on Qin Fang's body, and Qin Fang hurt even more.

Really mad at him!I fell and was crushed by something.Did God deliberately tease him and make him fall down on purpose?

After Yin Cuihua saw Qin Fang fall, she had no sympathy for Qin Fang's injury. Instead, she yelled at Qin Fang angrily, "I said, third child, why are you so useless? Can fall!
I'm so pissed off, all I got back were good things, look at the good things you did, don't break my things when you drop them on the floor, or my old lady will never end with you! "

As Yin Cuihua said, she squatted on the ground and checked her things. After confirming that she was all right, she breathed a sigh of relief, and did not continue to talk about Qin Fang.

Qin Fang sat on the ground a little depressed, and began to wonder if he was Yin Cuihua Qinsheng's.

Could it be that a biological son is not as important as these things?

Yin Cuihua picked up all the things and put them back into the house, then went to Su Qingyao's carriage to move things, and didn't expect to order Qin Fang any more, but muttered, "Forget it, it's still My old lady can do it by herself, but I can’t count on you brat, it’s better to do it by myself!"

Qin Fang pouted, looking at Yin Cuihua's busy figure, he didn't know what to say for a while.

Qin Fang tried to get up from the ground, but the fall was too severe, his ankle was sprained, and he couldn't hold up much strength, so he said to Qin Kui, "Sixth Brother, come and give me a hand!"

Qin Kui shook his head, "Third brother, you are too heavy, I can't move it!"

Qin Fang rolled his eyes at Qin Kui, "That's all you can do!"

"Third brother, since you think I'm worthless, don't expect me to pull you! You'd better let others pull you!" Qin Kui replied lightly.

Qin Fang wanted to vomit blood, so he was too lazy to talk about Qin Kui, but looked at Su Qingyao and Qin Sheng.

The fifth brother and the fifth younger sibling are cheapskate, if he asks them for help, Su Qingyao and Qin Sheng probably won't agree.

Knowing whether he would refuse, although he would not rub his nose, lest he would embarrass himself.

My own mother-in-law has a big belly, if she doesn't hold him, and falls and hurts the child in her stomach, it's not good, he can't take this risk.It wasn't for Cao Shi's consideration, he felt sorry for Cao Shi, but purely for the child in Cao Shi's belly.After all, he was still counting on Cao's womb to give him a son this time!

So Qin Fang cast his eyes on Yin Cuihua who was moving things, "Mother, don't just focus on moving things, give me a hand first!"

Yin Cuihua replied to Qin Fang angrily, "Don't pretend, can you fall so badly? And let someone pull you up?"

Qin Fang said with a hurt face, "Mother, why are you so cruel, how can you pretend this kind of thing? If I can get up, why don't I call you for help?"

Yin Cuihua thinks about it too, whoever has a brain hole will lie on the ground.

However, Yin Cuihua was very disgusted and replied, "Wait a minute, I will pull you up after I finish moving the things."

"." Qin Fang was a little speechless, let's see, his own son is not as important as what her mother brought back, it's too heartbreaking.

(End of this chapter)

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