Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1317 out of 12

Chapter 1317 1000 Taels
Su Qingyao had never considered selling the formula of this soap.After all, once it is sold, it means that I can no longer do the soap business.

Compared with giving her a lump sum of money, Su Qingyao prefers to start the business slowly, open a bigger shop, and earn more money.

Just relying on the shops in the town is enough to make a lot of money. If you can open a few more shops in other places, your income will continue to double.

Especially in the entire Great Zhou Kingdom, the market is still very strong!

Among other things, even the girls in the county are flocking to her soap, not to mention Kyoto, the big provincial capital.

Seeing that Su Qingyao was silent and did not speak, Boss Yao saw Su Qingyao's displeasure, and hurriedly said to Su Qingyao, "Girl, if you can sell me the formula of soap, I can pay you a high price!"

Su Qingyao smiled. Although she didn't intend to sell the formula of soap, she still asked casually, "Then how much boss Yao can offer?"

Boss Yao held out a finger.

Su Qingyao thought Boss Yang would say 1 taels or 10 taels.

If it was 10 taels, Su Qingyao felt that she could still consider it. Boss Yao got so much money at once, which was enough for her to earn it back after a long time in business.

With this money, she can also do other businesses. With her wisdom, it is not only the soap business that can be done.

Selling the soap formula first, she can relax for a while, and then research other profitable projects, maybe there is more money than soap.

Even if there is no other business to do, with this money, it is enough for her and Qin Sheng to spend a lifetime.

However, Boss Yao's words in the next second left Su Qingyao speechless.

Boss Yao said with a smile, "Sell me the formula of the soap, how about I offer 1000 taels of silver?"

From Boss Yao's point of view, 1000 taels of silver is already a considerable sum.

In a small town, whose shop can earn 1000 taels of silver so easily?

Especially for some rural people, maybe 1000 taels of silver is already an astronomical figure. He can pay this money, and he has the confidence to attract Su Qingyao.

After Boss Yao spoke, before Su Qingyao nodded and agreed, Qin Sheng directly pulled Boss Yao up.

Boss Yao exclaimed in confusion, "Hey, what are you doing? How do you pull me up properly? Let me go quickly, my collar is about to be torn off by you, no, no, I I can hardly breathe!"

Qin Sheng had a cold face, and replied impatiently to Boss Yao, "I'm going to throw you out!"

Boss Yao exclaimed again, "The business is going well, why are you throwing me out?"

"Where are you here to discuss business? I think you are here to cause trouble for us!" Qin Sheng snorted softly.

"What did you say? I just came to do business with you, so why did I become a troublemaker? What's wrong with you? It's inexplicable!" Boss Yao muttered, full of displeasure. Say something.

"Hehe, do business, be a big-headed ghost! Get off, don't bother me and my wife!" Qin Sheng said, dragging Boss Yao out.

While struggling, Boss Yao asked Qin Sheng, "You man, can you speak clearly? Even if you drove me away, you made it clear to me. Why did you suddenly let me go when I was just talking about business? "

(End of this chapter)

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