Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1322 Progress of Zhao Gongxiu and Brother 4

Chapter 1322 Progress of Zhao Gongxiu and Fourth Brother
After a while, Zhao Hongxiu also ran over, bringing a food box with stewed black-bone chicken soup and wolfberry soup.

This time is too busy, Zhao Hongxiu is also busy with her own business, Su Qingyao feels like she hasn't seen Zhao Hongxiu for a while.

Zhao Hongxiu has lost a lot of weight during this period, and her current figure is no different from that of ordinary people, without any sense of obesity at all.

Because of the good maintenance, Zhao Hongxiu's skin did not give people a loose feeling after losing weight, but it was very firm.Adding the Yao made by Su Qingyao, Zhao Hongxiu's skin is white and red, smooth and tender, like a baby that can be broken by blowing bombs.

In addition, she has a good background and good-looking clothes and jewelry, and now she has become a great beauty.

Even walking on the road will attract people's attention, and people can't help but want to take a few more glances.

Zhao Hongxiu also came over, followed by Zhao Hongxiu's hearty laughter.

"Sister, sister is here to see you!"

Seeing Zhao Hongxiu coming over, Su Qingyao jokingly said, "Yo, my sister still knows to come to see me, I thought my sister forgot about me, and we haven't come here for so long, we haven't met before."

Zhao Hongxiu said apologetically, "This is my sister's fault, but isn't my sister busy? I came to see you as soon as I was free. Look, my sister gave you black-bone chicken and goji berry soup today. Hurry up and have a drink with your brother-in-law." , Make up for your body! I can’t compensate you as my sister, you. Don’t blame my sister!”

"Sister, I just said it casually, knowing you are busy, how could I blame you." Su Qingyao took Zhao Hongxiu's hand and smiled.

The entire Zhao family's business is basically in the hands of Zhao Hongxiu alone, can this not be busy?
Su Qingyao's subordinates are busy with only one shop, but the Zhao family has countless shops, and it is not so easy to manage them.

The two sat down, Su Qingyao opened the food box, shared the black-bone chicken and wolfberry soup with Qin Sheng, and said to Zhao Hongxiu with concern, "Sister Hong, I'm busy, I don't have to come here, but you still have to find some time Cultivate a relationship with my fourth brother!"

Being ridiculed by Su Qingyao, Zhao Hongxiu smiled shyly, "Sister, no matter how busy you are with your fourth brother, you won't be left behind. He is much more important than business."

Hearing what Zhao Hongxiu said meant that there was some progress with the fourth brother, Su Qingyao glanced at Zhao Hongxiu ambiguously, and said to Zhao Hongxiu, "Sister, what's the matter? How is the progress between you and the fourth brother? Have you held hands?" ?”

Zhao Hongxiu was not shy and introverted like other women, but she was open and generous. She didn't feel ashamed, and directly revealed the truth to Su Qingyao, "That's more than that!"

Su Qingyao opened her mouth and looked at Zhao Hongxiu in surprise, "Sister, could it be that you kissed fourth brother?"

If this is the case, then Zhao Hongxiu and the fourth brother's progress is quite fast.After all, the fourth brother came to the town after the Chinese New Year, and under Zhao Hongxiu's arrangement, he went to work in the Zhao family's shop.Although the two of them spent a lot of time together on weekdays, when they reached the point of kissing, it basically meant that the relationship between the two was settled.

Zhao Hongxiu shook her head and smiled shyly, "It's more than that!"

"Ah?" Su Qingyao's eyes widened. Is this more than that?To what extent?
"Hey, sister Yao, I fucked your fourth brother!"

(End of this chapter)

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