Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1350 Rarely Generous Once

Chapter 1350

In addition, it is really not easy for the third family to have a son.

Thinking of Zhao Hongxiu's betrothal gift before, there was an exquisite and small golden lock, which was just right for the child.

Although the gold lock is a bit expensive, if it is replaced with a silver one, it is estimated that it will cost eight or nine taels of silver, which is enough to buy two acres of land.

Yin Cuihua thought again that the son of the third child was born prematurely and it would not be easy for him to survive.After finally getting a son, and she got a grandson, it would be a pity if she couldn't save her life?
Giving the golden lock to this premature baby has the effect of killing his life, and it may make the child survive.

After struggling for a while, Yin Cuihua ran into the house, took out the little golden lock, put it around the baby's neck, and then said to Qin Fang, "Don't say you didn't give anything, this little golden lock is worth a lot Money, just give it to the kid."

When Qin Fang saw Jin Zi, his eyes lit up.

I thought his mother was stingy, even if she gave it, she wouldn't give much away, but she didn't expect that she would be willing to take out a little golden lock this time.

After Su Qingyao saw it, she also felt in her heart that Yin Cuihua was definitely generous this time.

Hey, how patriarchal is this?

For her grandson to be so willing, if the Cao family gave birth to a daughter this time, she probably wouldn't even look at it, let alone give it to such a good thing.

Qin Fangxi smiled and said to Yin Cuihua, "Mother, you are so kind to your eldest grandson, and my Zhanpeng will definitely be filial to you when he grows up! When he is promising, let him lead you to live a good life."

How could Yin Cuihua believe in Qin Fang's nonsense, let alone whether the child in the third room will be promising in the future, how can her old woman survive until the day when Qin Zhanpeng grows up and is promising?

"Come on, I don't have that much hope. With your four younger siblings around, my wife's life will be very easy. As long as our Qin family's houses don't end, it will be fine."

Qin Fang had to smile with a smile on his face.

Su Qingyao told Qin Fang, "Third brother, send the baby back to the house when you have had enough of it. He was born prematurely and weak. Let him recuperate and rest."

Qin Fang nodded in response, "Yes, fifth sibling, I understand!"

As he spoke, he was a little reluctant to look at the baby in his arms, and was not too happy to put him back.

Just as she was about to go back to the house, the milk doll in her arms suddenly burst into tears.

Qin Fang panicked immediately, and Su Qingyao asked anxiously, "Fifth brother and sister, what's wrong with my Zhanpeng? Why are you crying so hard all of a sudden? Is there something wrong with your body?"

For this son, Qin Fang is very precious. Seeing him distressed, he is naturally worried, afraid that something will happen to the son he finally got.

After finishing speaking, Qin Fang continued to lower his head to coax the baby in his arms. "Ouch, my little boy, don't cry anymore. Why are you crying so hard? Why are you crying so hard? What's wrong with you? Tell Dad!"

Su Qingyao glanced at Qin Zhanpeng, twitched the corners of her mouth and said, "I must be hungry, hurry up and let the third sister-in-law feed the child some milk."

"Okay, okay!" Qin Fang quickly agreed, and hurriedly carried the child into the house, and asked Cao to nurse the child.

It's a pity that Mrs. Cao couldn't produce any milk at all, and Qin Zhanpeng, who continued to be hungry, naturally kept crying.

Qin Fang was in a hurry, and said to Cao dissatisfiedly, "Why are you such a bad woman, you have no milk, and my son is starving."

(End of this chapter)

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