Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1352 The Heart Is Too Soft

Chapter 1352 The Heart Is Too Soft

Goat milk also has high nutritional value. Since there is no breast milk, it has to be fed with goat milk.

Although there are other women in the village who have milk, they cannot borrow other people's milk.

Once or twice is okay, but we can't just stuff the third-bedroom child with someone else for a long time and let them feed it with human milk.

It is more convenient to come from goat's milk.

She went over to ask, if the Zhao family was willing to sell it, that would be even better, just buy one back.If the Zhao family is not happy, then go to the town to buy it tomorrow. There is a place to sell cattle and sheep in the town.

As Su Qingyao said, she turned around and went out from the third-bedroom house.

Qin Sheng hurriedly said, "Daughter-in-law, let me go, I'll do it. You are tired, you need to rest for a while."

Facing Qin Sheng's eyes full of pity, Su Qingyao shook her head, "It's okay, I've recovered now, and I'm not tired anymore. Go and help me go home and bring me something."

"Daughter-in-law, what are you taking?"

"Get some supplements from our family. The third sister-in-law needs to support her body. This time she suffered a collapse and shed a lot of blood. If you don't supplement it, your body may not be able to hold on.

There are also twenty or thirty eggs, and a catty of brown sugar. "

Now that Mrs. Cao has just given birth, she has to cook a bowl of brown sugar eggs to recuperate her body.

Now that Sanfang is clinking poorly, it is probably unrealistic to ask Sanfang to take out good things to make up for Cao Shi by himself.

It is even more impossible to count on Yin Cuihua.

For a person like Yin Cuihua who only goes out but not in, expecting to get something good from her is probably more difficult than reaching the sky.

After all, Cao's body is important. There was some grievance between Su Qingyao and Cao's before. Thinking that this woman has improved a lot, she will not care about her.

On the contrary, I have some sympathy for Cao's experience. Men are unreliable. If no one cares about her, she may die at any time.

Hey, she is soft-hearted after all...

Although Su Qingyao can completely ignore it, she can't be cruel.

Qin Sheng listened to Su Qingyao's words, and responded, "Okay, daughter-in-law, I know, let's go now! You should also slow down on the road, don't fall and bump into each other!"

Qin Sheng was a little worried about Su Qingyao's situation, always feeling that Su Qingyao's small body was on the verge of falling, and she might fall down at any time.

"Do not worry."


The two split into two routes, one went to Wufang's house, and the other went to Zhao Daniu's house.

When we arrived at Zhao Daniu's house, Zhao Daniu happened to be in the yard. Seeing Su Qingyao coming, he smiled and asked Su Qingyao, "Girl Qingyao, why are you here?"

Normally, the Zhao family and Su Qingyao had no dealings, so seeing Su Qingyao coming over, Zhao Daniu thought it was very novel, so he asked this question.

Su Qingyao smiled and explained, "Uncle Zhao, I'm here to ask you for a favor."

"What's the matter?" Zhao Daniu smiled heartily, and was very polite to Su Qingyao.

For the Zhao family, Su Qingyao still prefers it.

In the past, her family was in trouble and sold wild game, so Zhao's family never stopped to take care of her business.Sometimes in order to let her earn more, she will buy more on purpose.

The Zhao family is happy to help wherever they can.

The Zhao family's good Su Qingyao kept it in mind, thinking of what she could do to help the Zhao family one day.

But I never found an opportunity, and I didn't expect to come to the Zhao family for help now.

Su Qingyao explained, "Uncle Zhao, it's like this. My third sister-in-law accidentally fell down, and the baby in her stomach was born prematurely, and she was very weak. However, my third sister-in-law didn't have much milk. I heard that Uncle Zhao, your family has sheep , just wanted to borrow a bowl of goat milk..."

(End of this chapter)

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