Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1354 Liu Xiaolan is entangled again

Chapter 1354 Liu Xiaolan is entangled again
Zhao Daniu turned around and fell into the cowshed at home, pulled out a sheep, brought it to Su Qingyao, smiled and said to Su Qingyao, "Girl Qingyao, this is the sheep, here it is for you."

Su Qingyao took a look. The sheep are very strong and should be able to produce a lot of milk.

It is definitely a good deal to buy two taels of silver.

And the sheep that Zhao Daniu brought out was the one that produced more milk among the two sheep in the family.

Zhao Daniu thought that Cao's children were more important. Since he bought a goat, he had to drink enough goat milk.

Unlike his family, goat milk is only for the body of the child, and it is of no great use.

"Uncle Zhao, then I'll go back first!" Su Qingyao waved.

"Well, let's go!"

Su Qingyao took the sheep and turned back to Qin's house.

As for Qin Sheng, when he just returned to his yard, he saw a figure standing not far away.

Qin Sheng was very familiar with this person, but when he saw her, Qin Sheng raised his eyebrows in displeasure, and asked her, "Why are you here?"

"Brother Cheng...I miss you, so I'll come over to see you!
Brother Sheng, haven't we seen each other for a long time?Don't you want to see me at all? "

It was Liu Xiaolan who spoke.

Facing Liu Xiaolan, Qin Sheng's eyes were full of disgust and said, "What are you talking about, woman? With your virtue, I would want to see you? Hurry up! Get out as far as you can! Don't be shameless, Don't come over skinny, forgetting that you are a woman, since you are a woman, don't be so thick-skinned!"

Facing Qin Sheng's cold voice and the disgust in Qin Sheng's eyes, Liu Xiaolan was very sad.

"Brother could you treat me like this?"

"I said, are you annoying, woman? Are you shameless? Don't tell me there is something similar between us. Why do I treat you like this? Is it okay for me to treat you like this all the time?"

But Liu Xiaolan bit her lower lip unwillingly, leaned closer, and continued, "Brother Cheng, I know it was my fault before, but it was all because I loved you too much. I am living so miserablely, so pitifully. , I can’t get married, and I was laughed at in the village, everyone pointed at me, I hid at home and didn’t dare to go out... Brother Sheng, I just want to be with you now... ...I don't want anything else, don't care.

I know you like Su Qingyao, and I won't get involved with you, I don't need you to give me a title, I don't even ask for your concubine room, as long as I can see you often, you can hug me and talk to me Just a few words..."

Liu Xiaolan described herself in such a miserable way, originally thought that Qin Sheng would feel sorry for her after hearing this, but who knew that Qin Sheng would not react at all.

Regarding what Liu Xiaolan said, he sarcastically replied in a cold voice, "Liu Xiaolan, you deserve what you do, who made you mean?

If you're not cheap, how can you end up like this?

Hehe, I didn't see you thinking that way when you climbed up to Mu Shaoqing.

how?Abandoned, ashamed, just pretend to be pitiful like this?
Who do you think will sympathize with you?
That's what a bitch has to do, I think God has opened his eyes! "

After hearing Qin Sheng's words, Liu Xiaolan's face became gloomy.

She was almost pissed off by Qin Sheng.

If it wasn't for liking Qin Sheng and the fact that Liu's family is short of money these days, she wouldn't be "shameless" looking for him.

Originally, with the money given by Mu Shaoqing, it stands to reason that the life of the Liu family should be easier.

(End of this chapter)

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