Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1366 Go out and show off

Chapter 1366 Go out and show off
The fourth brother is a little dissatisfied with Yin Cuihua's behavior of not trusting her own son and family members for money.

I don't think his mother should be so powerful.

The fourth brother faced Yin Cuihua with a stern face and said, "Mother, now you saw it and let the sixth brother confirm that it is true. Are you satisfied now?"

Yin Cuihua also knew that the fourth child was angry, and wanted to say something, she opened her mouth to meet the face of the fourth child, and then swallowed the words she wanted to say back into her stomach.

Hey, forget it, it's useless to explain so much now, it's better not to explain it.

Anyway, she has already got what she wants, and the rest is not so important.

Yin Cuihua smiled, and said hello to Qin Qi, "Okay, fourth child, you must be very tired after all this hard work, so hurry up and sit in the room to rest!"

Facing Yin Cuihua's set face, Qin Qi just responded lightly.

It was precisely because he was a little disappointed with Yin Cuihua that the fourth brother didn't bother to say anything more to Yin Cuihua.

After Yin Cuihua flattered her and said a few words, seeing that Qin Qi still had a cold and indifferent attitude, she had no choice but to stop strolling in front of Qin Qi.

Things are always reversed, her fourth child clearly looks like he doesn't want to talk to her, and if she steps forward to please her, it will only make the fourth child even more lazy to talk to her.

Hey, forget it, I can't help it, although Yin Cuihua was a little sad, but when she thought that her wish had come true and she bought a house in the county, Yin Cuihua suddenly became happy again.

Su Qingyao and Qin Sheng followed the fourth brother into the house together.

A few people chatting together is nothing more than gossip.

When the villagers saw Qin Qi coming back, they came over to watch the excitement and then went back.

On the contrary, after Yin Cuihua got the courtyard in the county town, she couldn't help but went to the village and started to show off.

I'm afraid no one will know that her house in the county has been bought.

For such a good thing, why don't the people in the village envy them when they see it?
In fact, not to mention buying it in the county seat, for the people in the village, having a house in the town is already considered a great deal.

After all, the bigger the place, the more expensive the house is.

Especially in the county towns, few people can afford houses that cost hundreds of taels.

It is a big deal for any family in the country who can come up with more than ten taels of silver, let alone hundreds of taels or thousands of taels.

In addition to showing off that she has a big house in the county and can move to live in the county in the future, Yin Cuihua also bragged about the situation in the county.It's nothing more than talking about the prosperity of the county.The better the county, the more envious others would be if she lived there.

Otherwise, living in the village does not reflect the superiority of the place.

Few people in the village have been to the county seat, especially some women who stay at home.

Men go out to show their faces in order to work and do things, and some have been to the county town.

Women basically don't.

So when Yin Cuihua talked about how the county is like, many people came to listen curiously.

Some gossiping women asked about the county town by the way.

Seeing that someone asked, Yin Cuihua naturally tried her best to talk.

Seeing the envious expressions in the eyes of these people, they felt even more complacent, and their vanity was greatly satisfied.

Mrs. Liu was also at the side. A woman saw it and said to Mrs. Liu, "Aunt Liu, I heard that you also went to the county when you were young!"

(End of this chapter)

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