Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1370 Zhao Daniu

Chapter 1370 Zhao Daniu

Usually people in the village would gather firewood in an area at the foot of the mountain, and it happened that no one passed by on weekdays, so she found a chance to hook up with Zhao Daniu alone.

Otherwise, it would not be so easy to hook up with Zhao Daniu if he was elsewhere.

Liu Xiaolan walked towards the foot of the mountain feeling nervous and somewhat uneasy.

What worries me is whether Zhao Daniu will be like Qin Sheng, and won't talk to her at all?

Hey... She shouldn't be so miserable, right?
Qin Sheng didn't want to talk to her and rejected her because of Su Qingyao.Although she looks good, there is still a gap compared with Su Qingyao.In addition, Su Qingyao is capable of making money, and it is understandable for Qin Sheng not to talk to her.

But Zhao Daniu is different, Lu's is much worse than her, there is no comparison at all.

An old woman in her 40s, old and ugly, can't be compared with a young girl like him.

As long as Zhao Daniu is not blind, he will definitely fall in love with her.

After thinking like this, Su Qingyao's worries dissipated a little.

At the foot of the mountain, I saw Zhao Daniu within a few steps.

Zhao Daniu was also walking towards the foot of the mountain with a fire on his back.

After Liu Xiaolan saw it, she rolled her eyes, her thoughts wandered quickly, and then she pretended to fall to the ground.

"Hey, it hurts me so much!" Liu Xiaolan deliberately raised her voice and yelled.


Hearing Liu Xiaolan's call, Zhao Daniu hurried over and asked Liu Xiaolan, "Xiaolan girl, what's wrong with you?"

Zhao Daniu has always been warm to people, so this time is no exception, his attitude towards Liu Xiaolan is very good.

Liu Xiaolan looked at Zhao Daniu with an aggrieved face and said, "Uncle Zhao, I accidentally fell down, it seems that I sprained my foot. can I do this?How to go back? "

Zhao Daniu hurriedly comforted him, "Girl Xiaolan, don't cry. Now, Uncle Zhao will call someone over and take you home?"

After all, men and women are different, so Zhao Daniu was too embarrassed to help Liu Xiaolan back.

It's just that he doesn't mind, maybe Liu Xiaolan will mind?
So forget it, it is not difficult to go down the mountain and call someone to help.

But Liu Xiaolan shook her head and said, "Uncle Zhao, don't, it will take a long time to call someone...

My feet hurt so much..."

Zhao Daniu frowned slightly, and then said, "Girl Xiaolan, if you don't mind, can Uncle Zhao carry you back?"

Liu Xiaolan quickly responded, "Okay, Uncle Zhao, thank you so much."

Zhao Daniu twitched the corners of his mouth and said, "Girl Xiaolan, you are being polite! We as a village should help each other.

Besides, there aren't many people here, so Uncle Zhao can't see your injuries, just ignore them! "

His conscience would be so sorry!
Liu Xiaolan responded in a delicate voice, "Yes... But you are still a good man, Uncle Zhao. There are very few good men like you, and I have never seen many in the village!"

Zhao Daniu was a little embarrassed by Liu Xiaolan's words, and his honest face blushed slightly, "Xiaolan girl, don't tease your Uncle Zhao, I just want to help you when I see anything, so that I feel comfortable in my heart That's it."

After all, when you help others, you can also get a little pleasure in your heart, which is not done on purpose.

"Uncle Zhao, there are still very few people with your state of mind. Anyway, I admire you very much!"

(End of this chapter)

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