Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1378 She Has Many Sons

Chapter 1378 She Has Many Sons
Although my heart will be unhappy, but I can only hold back, so what else can I do?

Qin Xin held back his breath and said, "Hmph, fifth brother and sister, I don't care about you. You have no eyesight and can't do anything. You are a doctor yourself, so you don't treat your eyes!"

Su Qingyao smiled, thinking that Qin Fang was really interesting, but she didn't continue to argue with Qin Fang.

After all, that's what a confident person is. They always feel that they are the most handsome. If others can't appreciate it, it means that they don't have vision.

On the contrary, the fourth brother was very embarrassed. The fourth brother was not so narcissistic. Contrary to Qin Fang, he was very unconfident.I always feel that I am not good at anything, that I am not good enough for Zhao Hongxiu.

Su Qingyao continued to comfort her, "Fourth brother, don't be nervous, it's just a marriage, sister Hong is not going to eat you up, look at your appearance, if you don't know, you might think you are going to suffer. "

The fourth brother smiled, "Fifth brother and sister, you are right, I... I will try to be calm... I just can't control myself..."

"Haha, it's okay, just relax and take a few breaths."

"Mmm Good!"

After the adjustment, the fourth brother's mentality has improved a lot, he feels less nervous, and instead has a faint expectation.

When will Zhao Hongxiu come, he wants to see her sooner.

Thinking that from today onwards, Zhao Hongxiu would become his wife, the fourth brother couldn't help feeling a sense of happiness in his heart.

"It should be time to come? Why hasn't it come yet?" The fourth brother muttered, stretched his head and looked outside, with the attitude of a young daughter-in-law who was about to marry. Su Qingyao wanted to laugh when she saw it.

He was still nervous before, but now he is looking forward to Zhao Hongxiu's arrival.

"Fourth brother, I'll go out and have a look, you just stay in the room!" Su Qingyao laughed.

The fourth brother replied shyly, "Well, that's good, fifth brother and sister, please excuse me."

"Fourth brother, please be polite, don't bother."

As Su Qingyao said, she went out for a while, and saw that no one came outside, so she probably had to wait a while.

On the contrary, the people in the village, facing such excitement, many people came to Qin's house early, waiting to see the excitement.

Originally, today should be a busy day for the Qin family. The fourth brother got married, and Yin Cuihua, the mother, should be tired, but Yin Cuihua is very leisurely, and doesn't bother with family affairs.

For the banquet today, I directly invited a cook to come over to cook the dishes, and also invited a few women to help in the kitchen, so that I could completely spare time.

She is getting more and more happy.

Thinking about when Qin Kui got married before, Yin Cuihua was very busy.Now I'm so lucky, I don't have to worry about anything.

In the final analysis, the fourth brother is the most powerful. After marrying Zhao Hongxiu, he can solve many troubles with money, and even Yin Cuihua can save a lot of worry.

Many women in the village came to Yin Cuihua and complimented her, "Oh, sister-in-law of the Qin family, you are really lucky. There are not many people in our village who are as lucky as you."

Yin Cuihua raised the corner of her mouth proudly and said, "That's right, my sons are all capable."

"Sister-in-law Qin, your fourth child is going to marry into someone else's house, are you willing?"

Yin Cuihua knew that these mothers-in-law said that on purpose, trying to annoy her.

But thinking of what Su Qingyao said before, Yin Cuihua didn't get angry anymore. Instead, she raised the corner of her mouth proudly and said, "Why don't you want to? My family has six sons, and it's not that there are fewer sons. It's different from you and your sons."

(End of this chapter)

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