Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1386 Hooked up with Liu Dazhu

Chapter 1386 Hooked up with Liu Dazhu

Liu Xiaolan hurried to Liu Dazhu, and greeted Liu Dazhu with a smile, "Brother Dazhu, why are you here? Didn't you go to the banquet?"

Liu Dazhu should have followed the etiquette at the Qin family's banquet, so it was a little surprising that Mei went to eat outside, and Liu Xiaolan was a little surprised.

Seeing Liu Xiaolan greeted him, Liu Dazhu smiled politely. After all, they were all from the same village, so he couldn't ignore him.

In addition, Liu Xiaolan's ancestors were also related to their family, so they came from the same room.

It's just that as time goes by, the relationship becomes farther away.

Liu Dazhu explained with a smile, "I didn't eat it, but your sister-in-law Jinlan went over to eat it."

After all, there is only one person in the family to eat with a gift.

The food at the banquet was better than what I usually eat at home, and it was cooked by a special cook, so Liu Dazhu wanted to ask Wang Jinlan to eat something good.

Liu Dazhu loves his wife, even if he eats less, he hopes that Wang Jinlan will eat better.

Besides, he has a thin skin here and doesn't like to join in the fun.

When it's time to drink at the table, the men like to sing together, and he still feels a little uncomfortable.

It's better to let Wang Jinlan eat it, and he can just eat a little at home.

After hearing this, Liu Xiaolan felt a little envious of Wang Jinlan.

There are not many men who love their wives this year, but Liu Dazhu is the one who loves their wives.

Liu Xiaolan pulled the corners of her mouth, smiled and praised Liu Dazhu, "Brother Dazhu, you are so kind, and you are also kind to sister-in-law Jinlan. I don't eat wedding wine myself, so let sister-in-law Jinlan eat. We can't find many in our village." There is a better man than you, sister-in-law Jinlan is really lucky to marry you, I feel envious when I see it, if I can also find a man like you, brother Dazhu, this life will be worth it!"

Hearing Liu Xiaolan's praise, the most important thing is that she praised herself to the sky, Liu Dazhu suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

"That... Sister Xiaolan, you are too much. A man should treat his wife well, but he should not treat his wife badly. I am not as good as you said. In the future You can definitely find someone who treats you well!" Liu Dazhu said something to Liu Xiaolan with a blushing face.

Liu Xiaolan continued to praise Liu Dazhu and said, "Brother Dazhu, don't be humble, you are obviously a very good person, I am not praising you, but what I said is the truth."

Liu Dazhu scratched his head, feeling a little uncomfortable.

Especially when meeting Liu Xiaolan's scorching gaze, I always feel a little weird.

"Girl Xiaolan, I'm leaving first. There are still things at home!" Liu Dazhu thought for a while and said goodbye, otherwise he would always feel uncomfortable.

How could Liu Xiaolan be willing to let Liu Dazhu go like this, and hurriedly stopped Liu Dazhu and said, "Brother Dazhu, don't you want to stay longer?"

Liu Dazhu was stunned, looked at Liu Xiaolan with some puzzlement and asked, "Stay still? What are you doing?"

Liu Xiaolan made a shy gesture, blushed and said, "Brother Dazhu, stay and talk to me...I want to talk to you more..."

"Eh?" Liu Dazhu became more and more confused, and Liu Xiaolan's coy and shy posture made him not know what to say or do.

Did he get it wrong?I always feel that Liu Xiaolan seems to express something to him.

Facing Liu Xiaolan's eyes again, Liu Dazhu became very nervous.

"Sister Xiaolan, what are you going to say to me?"

(End of this chapter)

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