Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1396 Threatened by Wang Lao 2

Chapter 1396 Threatened by Wang Lao Er
Liu Xiaolan said to borrow it, but it's hard to say yes!

If he asked for it directly, Zhao Daniu would probably feel that she was going there for her money, and it would be over if Zhao Daniu was on guard against her.

Hearing Liu Xiaolan's request, Zhao Daniu felt sorry for her, so he nodded and agreed, "Okay, girl Xiaolan, I'll bring you a tael of silver later, and ask your mother to buy you more delicious tonics!"

Liu Xiaolan curled her lips, thinking that Zhao Daniu was really stingy.

She said how many taels of silver, how much should I get five or six taels?

In the end, Zhao Daniu was lucky, he followed the minimum requirement and gave her a tael of silver.


One tael of silver is better than sending a beggar!
Although she felt a little unhappy, Liu Xiaolan couldn't say anything.

I could only twitch the corner of my mouth and said to Zhao Daniu, "Brother Big Niu, thank you, you are so kind to me."

Zhao Daniu put his arms around Liu Xiaolan, and replied with a satisfied face, "Girl Xiaolan, I deserve to be nice to you. You gave yourself to me. If I treat you badly again, am I still human?"

Liu Xiaolan laughed along, hiding her true inner thoughts very well.

"Well, Brother Big Niu, you are the best to me anyway, I will only think about you and love you in my life."

Zhao Daniu was very happy to be flattered by Liu Xiaolan.

After a while, Zhao Daniu stood up and said, "Girl Xiaolan, it's getting late, I have to go back.

If you don't go back, your sister-in-law will be delusional. "

Liu Xiaolan responded, "Well, Brother Big Niu, then I won't keep you either, you can go."

Before Zhao Daniu left, he left a kiss on Liu Xiaolan's forehead, "Xiaolan girl, see you tomorrow."

"Okay Big Brother!"

Waiting for Zhao Daniu to leave, Liu Xiaolan showed a look of disgust.

What a coward, he is afraid of his wife when he goes out,

So what if the wife finds out?
And said he wanted to marry her as a concubine?Now you don't dare to let that old woman of the Lu family know, so how can you dare to marry her back?

Hey, forget it, anyway, knowing that Zhao Daniu is a coward, it's meaningless to think about it.

Liu Xiaolan patted the dust off her body, and when she was about to leave, she was suddenly stopped by another person.

Liu Xiaolan was taken aback, a person appeared suddenly at this moment, did you see what she and Zhao Daniu did just now?

The person blocking Liu Xiaolan's way was Wang Laoer.

When she saw Wang Laoer's ugly face clearly, Liu Xiaolan felt sick in her heart.

"Second Wang, what are you doing? What are you doing blocking my way? Get the hell out of here!" Liu Xiaolan scolded with some disgust.

But Wang Laoer said with a dead skin, "Sister Xiaolan, why are you like this? You were very warm to Zhao Daniu just now, why are you so cold to us?

Sister Xiaolan, take a good look, I am much younger than Zhao Daniu, a man of Zhao Daniu's age can be your father, it is a pity that you are with him, why don't you just get along with me?

Don't worry, sister Xiaolan, if you get along with me, I will definitely treat you well. "

After listening to Wang Laoer's words, Liu Xiaolan's eyes showed a hint of shock.

What Wang Lao Er said meant that he had just seen everything.

Liu Xiaolan's heart skipped a beat, this is over, after being seen by Wang Laoer, Wang Laoer's mouth is broken, and he likes to spread nonsense in the village, so everyone knows about her and Zhao Daniu?

(End of this chapter)

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