Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1401 Being scolded by Mrs. Liu

Chapter 1401 Being scolded by Mrs. Liu
Liu Xiaolan only hoped that time would go faster, faster, and success sooner.

She felt that she couldn't hold on any longer, and if she didn't hurry up, she might collapse.

Seeing Liu Xiaolan came back, Mrs. Liu thought that Liu Xiaolan had gone outside to play around, so she glared at Liu Xiaolan angrily and said, "Damn girl, why did you come back at this hour?
Where did you go crazy?I don't see anyone all day.I think you don't want to come back?
I don't know how to help with the housework, so I know how to go out and go crazy. "

Hearing Mrs. Liu's reprimand, Liu Xiaolan was a little displeased.

Why does her mother like to talk about her when she has nothing to do?
Obviously she was tired enough after serving three men today, but now that she came back, it was Liu Xiaolan who scolded her without knowing the situation.

Liu Xiaolan was angry and aggrieved and said to Old Madam Liu, "Mom, I worked so hard for this family and to help my father pay off the debts in the future, how easy is it for me?

Come back so late, why not look for opportunities.

Now I have to be scolded by you again when I come back..."

Mrs. Liu was stunned, looking at Liu Xiaolan, it turned out that the girl was out to do something serious.

So, did you blame her wrongly?

Thinking of this, Mrs. Liu felt a little guilty towards Liu Xiaolan.

"Xiaolan, what have you been doing? Tell your mother about it." Mrs. Liu asked Liu Xiaolan a little embarrassedly.

Liu Xiaolan snorted softly, a little too lazy to talk to Mrs. Liu.

Mrs. Liu said calmly, "You girl, why don't you answer me when I ask you? Have you grown up?"

Only then did Liu Xiaolan calmly say, "I went to hook up with Qin An, he is rich and lives in the county town.

If we hook him up well, we don't have to worry about dad's money. "

Mrs. Liu's first reaction when she heard that Liu Xiaolan hooked up with Qin An was a little unhappy.After all, Qin An is so old, her daughter and Qin An are together, isn't it a flower stuck in cow dung.

But after a while, I felt that what Liu Xiaolan said made sense.

Now that the family has no money, in the whole village, if they hook up with Qin An, who can they go to get money?
But she also hoped that the person her daughter hooked up with was Qin Sheng. Thinking about it, if her daughter could hook up with Qin Sheng, she would naturally not have to worry about money.

But the problem is that my daughter doesn't have that ability!

It's been a long time, and her daughter hasn't caught Qin Sheng yet.

Now the best thing to do is to seek to hook up with Qin An.

As long as you have money, you are not so picky about others.

"How is it? Did you say you will give me money?" Mrs. Liu asked impatiently.

Liu Xiaolan frowned, and replied with some displeasure, "Mother, what are you thinking?

I just hooked up today, how could it be so fast?

This has to be developed slowly, and it cannot be rushed for a while.

I will hurry up these few days, but you can't expect me to get the money right from the start!

I'm not a fool, could it be that you can't see that you are running for money? "

Mrs. Liu thought about it, and felt that what Liu Xiaolan said was true, so she nodded in agreement, "That's right!
Then Xiao Lan, you have to hurry up, your father's debt will not last for a few days, get me the money quickly. "

Liu Xiaolan responded impatiently, "Mom, I know, I don't need you to tell me. You are anxious and I am also anxious. Isn't this working hard? Why do you keep talking!"

"Okay, okay, you girl, just remember it in your heart, but mother can tell you, if you can't get the money back, see if I don't punish you."

(End of this chapter)

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