Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1409 Su Qingyao keeps a low profile

Chapter 1409 Su Qingyao keeps a low profile

Liu Xiaolan doesn't need to say it, Liu Xiaolan knows it well.

The girls in the village are like this. They don't want to see other people's kindness, and they don't say what they have, but they keep slandering others.

Liu Xiaolan raised her eyebrows, and replied with an unruly expression, "Hehe, it's useless to be jealous, but it's a pity that you probably won't be able to wear such golden hairpins in your lifetime!
Oh... No, I can't even wear silver hairpins, everyone is poor, and a wooden hairpin would be nice. "

Liu Xiaolan's superior attitude made the girls in the village very unhappy.

I used to think that Liu Xiaolan was quite annoying, she liked to show off, and now she also likes to show off, but she still looks down on others.

Obviously she is a scumbag, and it is already good if others don't laugh at her, so why would she have the face to make fun of others without looking at herself.

Some girls directly said bluntly, "Hehe, Liu Xiaolan, do you think you are so great? You didn't steal it, you must have hooked up with a man.

Maybe sell ass outside!This is not a rare thing for us! "

"Haha, I think so too! A person like Liu Xiaolan definitely doesn't get money decently!
What's there to show off?
We are all decent people, not rare! "

"That is, if the golden hairpin can only be obtained by selling one's body, even if it is given to me for free, I will not take it!"



Liu Xiaolan didn't expect that there were still people who could guess it right. Knowing that she got it by selling her ass, they all said such ugly things, and her face immediately turned red with anger.

Liu Xiaotang defended from the side, "Isn't it too much for you people? You can't get it yourself, you can't afford it, and you just slander others like this!
Hehe, everyone looks ugly, even if you go out to sell your ass, probably no man will want to take it!

Shameless, I bah!If you want to say something ugly, just show the evidence, and talk nonsense here! "

After being told by Liu Xiaotang, the others stopped talking.

However, the girls still couldn't understand Liu Xiaolan's flaunting behavior, and followed Liu Xiaolan's sarcasm, "Hehe, isn't it just a golden hairpin? What's so great about it, even if you bought it yourself, you don't need to show it off!"

Liu Xiaolan sneered and said, "Since you said it was so light, why didn't I see you buy a gold hairpin? Isn't it because you can't afford it?

Let me know when you buy it too! "

"I can't afford a gold hairpin, but Su Qingyao can afford it. I didn't see Su Qingyao showing off a gold hairpin every day. Instead, you got a gold hairpin and deliberately ran out to show it off to others."

"Yes, logically speaking, Su Qingyao's family is so rich that they don't need to worry about gold, silver and jewelry, but Su Qingyao didn't wear a gold hairpin, and she is indeed much more low-key than Liu Xiaolan."

"Su Qingyao has a good character, but she's not like Liu Xiaolan."

"No wonder Qin Sheng still liked Su Qingyao when Su Qingyao was so ugly and ignored Liu Xiaolan. It turns out that Su Qingyao has a much better personality than Liu Xiaolan. Qin Sheng has a good eye and can tell the difference.

Otherwise, in the past, Liu Xiaolan's appearance was much better than Su Qingyao's, and ordinary men would have to be seduced by Su Qingyao. "



When Liu Xiaolan heard that these girls compared her with Su Qingyao, she felt even more angry.

(End of this chapter)

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