Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1416 The Explanation of Grievance

Chapter 1416 The Explanation of Grievance

"That's not enough to say that Xiaolan from our family stole it..." Mrs. Liu argued, but she was still startled when she saw the kitchen knife that An Shi waved over, and hurriedly hid, for fear of being caught by An Shi. My kitchen knife was chopped off.

"Mrs. Liu, are you still protecting your daughter? What kind of trash? Tell her to get out!" An continued to yell.

At first, Mrs. Liu wanted to confront An's, but after seeing An's cannibalistic eyes, Mrs. Liu shut her mouth instantly and remained silent.

After making a fuss for a while, Liu Xiaolan came out of the room.

At this time, many people came to join in the fun in the courtyard of the Liu family.

Everyone knows that Liu Xiaolan showed off her golden hairpin in front of many girls today.

Unexpectedly, Liu Xiaolan hadn't been proud for a long time, and An Shi came to the door, saying that Liu Xiaolan had stolen her golden hairpin.

Many people ridiculed Liu Xiaolan, "Tsk tsk tsk, just say that the Liu family can't afford a golden hairpin, Liu Xiaolan must have obtained it through some crooked means, but I didn't expect it to be stolen.

This kind of person is really shameless, stealing something and showing it off, it would be strange not to be discovered. "

"Liu Xiaolan is too vain. She did such a sneaky thing, and even ran out to show it off, as if she was afraid that others would not know."

"Yes, but why do I feel that Liu Xiaolan is a little stupid?"

"Isn't it just stupid? Since you stole something, you should hide it well. Why take it out to show off? Now it's all right? We've been discovered! Let's see how Anshi deals with her!"

"Hehe, if my golden hairpin is stolen, I will definitely skin the thief. One can't be shameless to this extent, right?"



When Liu Xiaolan heard the accusations and abuse from the people in the village, she was naturally unhappy and unhappy.

But there's no time to argue with people right now.

Seeing Liu Xiaolan come out, An Shi immediately reprimanded Liu Xiaolan as if she had taken gunpowder.

It was nothing more than saying that Liu Xiaolan was shameless.

Facing An's scolding, Liu Xiaolan kept her head down and said nothing, looking pitiful.

Anxiously, Anshi continued to move her hands towards Liu Xiaolan, stretched out her claws, and tore Liu Xiaolan's hair.

Liu Xiaolan yelled in pain, " hurts so much, let me go..."

"Let go of you? It's a good idea! You stole my golden hairpin and you still want me to let you go, how can there be such a good thing!"

" hurts so much, please, let me go, I know I was wrong!"

An Shi still didn't let go, but slapped Liu Xiaolan again, "You sneaky bitch, I have to deal with you."

"Wuuuuu... I didn't steal the golden hairpin... It wasn't me..." Liu Xiaolan defended herself a little "wronged".

The reason why she has been so "weak" and allowed An Shi to bully her is because she saw Qin An and wanted Qin An to see her and love her, and by the way, to hate An Shi because of it.

In this way, when she marries Qin An, Qin An naturally treats him better than An's.

"You little slut, are you still arguing? It seems that you don't learn well! If you didn't steal it, who else could have stolen it? Could it be that my golden hairpin has wings and flew into your hand?

Think for yourself whether your words are credible, funny or not? "

(End of this chapter)

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