Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1431 Persuasion

Chapter 1431 Persuasion
Hearing what Liu Xiaolan said, Qin An completely understood.

To put it bluntly, Liu Xiaolan disliked that he was not as rich as Qin An, so she didn't want to live a hard life with him anymore.

Zhao Daniu wanted to cry and laugh at the same time.

It turns out that in Liu Xiaolan's eyes, her true feelings are a burden?
But now that Liu Xiaolan has said so, if he continues to "tangle" him, it will indeed make people very bored and disgusting.

In desperation, Zhao Daniu had no choice but to sigh.

That's all, since the fate is over, if Liu Xiaolan doesn't want to be with her anymore, then forget it.

Feelings can't be forced, and Zhao Daniu really doesn't want to be rejected by Liu Xiaolan.

So Zhao Daniu said to Liu Xiaolan with a disappointed face, "Girl Xiaolan, since you said so, then I won't force you... then I wish you happiness with Qin An... ·”

Zhao Daniu said this reluctantly.

No one would be willing to give up the woman he likes to another woman, and so is Zhao Daniu.

Looking at Zhao Daniu like this, Liu Xiaolan rarely showed a trace of guilt in her heart. After facing Zhao Daniu, she softly said to Zhao Daniu: "Brother Big Niu, thank you for your fulfillment. I know you are good to me, but we are indeed destined It's all over, so let's become another country.

Brother Big Niu, I hope you will try your best not to come to me in the future, if Qin An sees it, you must feel that there is something between us! "

Liu Xiaolan's words made Zhao Daniu feel even more uncomfortable.

Now that Liu Xiaolan and Qin An are together, does the experience between them have to be as if nothing happened?
But looking at Liu Xiaolan's begging eyes, Zhao Daniu couldn't bear to refuse.I had no choice but to nod my head, and replied, "Well, girl Xiaolan, I know what to do in the future.

Don't worry, I will never disturb your cleanliness! "

With Zhao Daniu's words, Liu Xiaolan was relieved a lot.

Originally, what Liu Xiaolan was most worried about was that Zhao Daniu ran to Qin An to make trouble and settle accounts. Qin An would naturally know about the matter between her and Zhao Daniu.

Liu Xiaolan was still thinking about what kind of reasons she should use to persuade Qin An not to believe this matter, but she didn't expect Zhao Daniu to agree so easily.

Liu Xiaolan was very touched and said, "Brother Big Niu, you are so kind!"

Zhao Daniu twitched the corner of his mouth bitterly.

Now what is the point of Liu Xiaolan saying that he is so nice?No, she still didn't stay with him, but chose to be with Qin An?
Zhao Daniu didn't want to think about anything anymore, he just responded lightly and left Liu's courtyard.

Seeing the back of Zhao Daniu leaving, Liu Xiaolan was a little disappointed. At the same time, she also felt that her tossing and tossing for a while had come to an end. At last, she didn't have to worry about anything anymore. She just needed to wait quietly for Qin An to marry her back. up.

Mrs. Liu came out of the house and asked Liu Xiaolan, "Xiaolan, what's the matter, did that Zhao Daniu make sense? In the future, you won't come over if you have nothing to do. Find our house, right?"

This time, maybe no one suspects anything. If you come to our house often and are seen by the villagers, you must suspect that there is something between you.

When the time comes, you will reveal the matter with Zhao Daniu, because you are afraid that Qin An will have a hard time explaining it! "

Liu Xiaolan said lightly, "Mother, don't worry, I've already convinced Zhao Daniu, I won't find our family in the future!"

(End of this chapter)

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