Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1435 Why Help Liu Xiaolan

Chapter 1435 Why Help Liu Xiaolan

Facing Su Qingyao's impatience, Liu Xiaolan bit her lower lip.

Ten taels of silver is indeed very expensive.She was a bit reluctant, but compared to her face, her face was naturally more important.

Hey, it's a big deal to spend more money to buy it!
If you don't buy it, you will have an ugly face in the future, and you will only lose more.

"Buy, can't I buy it? Ten taels of silver is ten taels of silver!" Liu Xiaolan said with a painful face.

The corners of Su Qingyao's mouth twitched upwards. She didn't expect Liu Xiaolan to be willing to accept such a high price.

Su Qingyao felt sour just thinking about cheating Liu Xiaolan so hard today.

So Su Qingyao said to Liu Xiaolan, "Okay, I'll get you the ointment now.

Since we are a village, and because you are my future sister-in-law, I am willing to sell the ointment to you!
If I were an ordinary person, even if I was given so much money, I would not be willing to sell it.

After all, as far as I am concerned, there is no shortage of money, and I don't care about earning your ten taels of silver. "

When Su Qingyao said this, she wanted to earn Liu Xiaolan's money while accepting Liu Xiaolan's favor.

Liu Xiaolan replied resentfully.

Su Qingyao went to the house and took out an ordinary scar removal ointment, which was completely different from the one she used to treat her face last time.

The ointment that Su Qingyao used last time contained musk and some other precious medicinal materials. In fact, the overall cost is relatively high.

And the ointment that is taken out now is a box of ordinary scar-removing ointment, which is estimated to only cost a few tens of pennies.

Selling it to Liu Xiaolan for ten taels of silver was actually almost a net profit.

After Su Qingyao took out the ointment, she said to Liu Xiaolan, "Pay with one hand and deliver the goods. Give me the money, and I'll give you the ointment!"

Liu Xiaolan responded, although she was a little reluctant, she took out ten taels of silver from her pocket and handed it to Su Qingyao.

Su Qingyao also gave Liu Xiaolan the ointment, and pretended to tell her, "These days, just wipe it on your face three times a day, morning, noon, and evening."

"Yeah!" Liu Xiaolan took the ointment and left the courtyard of Su Qingyao's house.

Until Liu Xiaolan's figure left, Su Qingyao looked at the ten taels of silver in her hand, and a satisfied smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Seeing the sly look in the daughter-in-law's eyes, and the happy look of the daughter-in-law when she saw the money, Qin Sheng felt that there must be something tricky in it.

But Qin Sheng didn't know exactly what the daughter-in-law was up to, and couldn't guess, so he licked his face and asked Su Qingyao with a smile. "Daughter-in-law, can I ask you a question?"

Su Qingyao glanced at Qin Sheng, and said calmly, "Say something quickly, and fart quickly."

"Daughter-in-law, you are really vulgar, you are not polite!" Qin Sheng said to Su Qingyao.

The corner of Su Qingyao's mouth twitched, "Haven't I always been like this? It's not the first time you've met me, why do you look like I wasn't like this before?"

"Okay, daughter-in-law, let me ask you a question.

Did they put something in the ointment to ruin Liu Xiaolan's face?

Otherwise, how could you agree to sell the ointment to her so easily?

I don't think you should help Liu Xiaolan for some money, help Liu Xiaolan treat his face, right? "

Su Qingyao replied to Qin Sheng with some displeasure, "What are you talking about? In your eyes, I am such a dirty villain?

I don't bother to do this kind of thing! "

(End of this chapter)

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