Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1437 Scaring Wang Lao 2

Chapter 1437
Originally thought that Zhao Daniu would be fine, but he forgot that there was another Wang Laoer.

For Liu Xiaolan, Wang Laoer threatened her with this matter, which was the most worrisome existence.

If possible, Liu Xiaolan wanted to kill Wang Laoer, but unfortunately she didn't have that ability.

Liu Xiaolan struggled to pull out a smile on her face, facing Wang's second child, she smiled and said, "Brother Wang, you should have heard that I'm going to marry Qin An, right?"

Wang Lao Er responded, "The whole village has heard about such a big event, so naturally I have heard about it too.

But Liu Xiaolan, I was thinking about you. I didn't expect you to be so coquettish. You obviously hooked up with Zhao Daniu, and then hooked up with Qin An so quickly. There are not many women in our village who can be like you. "

Wang Lao Er was mocking Liu Xiaolan.

This is going to be a serious woman, who would do this.

Liu Xiaolan's complexion became even more ugly, but she couldn't help it when she faced Wang's second son.

Liu Xiaolan continued to squeeze out a smile on her face, and continued to flatter Wang Lao Er, "Brother Wang, since you know about this, you should also know that Qin An and I are married so we shouldn't get too involved with other men, right?" ?
If Qin An finds out about our direct relationship, he might have to divorce... Brother Wang, I finally managed to live a good life, so please help me! "

Liu Xiaolan's lovely and pitiful appearance made people feel very distressed.

If he were an ordinary man, he would probably want to take good care of Liu Xiaolan.

Wang Laoer was unmoved, but replied, "That's your business, what does it have to do with Lao Tzu?"

Liu Xiaolan is so rough, he feels good when he wakes up.

It happened that Wang Laoer was short of women, and he didn't have the money to go whoring in the brothels in the town. With Liu Xiaolan around for free, Wang Laoer was naturally unwilling to let him go easily, unless he was a fool or something.

Liu Xiaolan twitched the corner of her mouth, and replied awkwardly, "Brother Wang... actually has something to do with you..."

Wang Laoer frowned, and asked, "Why is it related to Lao Tzu?"

"Brother Wang, you should also know that the current Qin An is different from the previous Qin An. His daughter has joined a rich and powerful family.

If he knew that his woman was hooking up with other men, he would be ashamed, right?

Not only will I be rejected, but you may also do something to Brother Wang.

Brother Wang, think about it, if a man gave you a cuckold, would you let him go easily?Will he still be beaten to vent his anger?
Brother Wang, Qin An can't be messed with right now, even if he beats you to death, you can't justify it, taking such a risk for me, you might even lose your life, is it worth it? "

Wang Laoer thought about Liu Xiaolan's words, and felt that what Liu Xiaolan said seemed to make sense.

At the same time, Wang Lao Er didn't want to date himself for Liu Xiaolan, a slut who was fucked by many men, it's fine to play around, but Wang Lao Er still didn't care about Liu Xiaolan that much.

But Wang Lao Er still frowned, looked at Liu Xiaolan and said, "Liu Xiaolan, are you trying to scare me on purpose and want to throw me off?"

Liu Xiaolan quickly waved her hands and said, "No, no, Brother Wang, how could I be such a person? I just think about you and myself..."

(End of this chapter)

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