Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1456 Compensate Liu Xiaolan to Mr. Wang 2

Chapter 1456 Compensate Liu Xiaolan to Wang Lao Er
Hearing Qin Yuer's threat, Wang Er Er was not afraid, but instead sneered back to Qin Yuer, "What? Why don't you tell me?

How dare you threaten me?

I'm not making trouble out of no reason. There were so many people there back then, and everyone had a testimony.You are my wife! "

"Wang Er Er, you think it's beautiful. With such a virtue, you still want me to marry you, and you don't piss to take care of yourself." Qin Yu'er said something disgusting.

Wang Laoer looked dragging, "I know what I look like in my heart, no matter how bad I look, it was sold to me by your parents."

"Second Wang, I'm already married, so don't expect me to still be with you."

"Qin Yu'er, what do you mean? Do you want to play tricks?"

Qin Yu'er snorted coldly, "Yeah, I just want to play tricks, so what can you do to me?
So what if you are reasonable?Is it possible that you still want to sue me in the county government?
Hehe, I might as well tell you that my man is the nephew of the county magistrate, even if you want to sue me in the county government, you can do nothing about it.

Don't steal the chicken and lose the rice. If you turn around and offend my man, you will be the one who suffers. "

Wang Laoer rolled his eyes, and then said to Qin Yuer, "Okay, Qin Yuer, you are amazing. But after all, your Qin family did something wrong, so I don't care about it. You should give me some compensation, right? Is it not an exaggeration?"

Qin Yu'er thought for a while, then pulled Liu Xiaolan out of the room, threw it in front of Wang Laoer, and said to Wang Laoer, "Since you lost a daughter-in-law, I will compensate you for a daughter-in-law now!
This Liu Xiaolan is not bad looking, so I will be your daughter-in-law!
If you want to have a son, you can ask Liu Xiaolan to give birth to you!
If I give Liu Xiaolan to you, I think you will not lose money! "

After hearing Qin Yuer's words, Liu Xiaolan's eyes showed a hint of panic and shock.

"Qin Yu'er, what do you mean? Why do you give me to Wang Laoer as a wife?"

Wang Laoer is so ugly, and the family has no money, and can't even get a daughter-in-law, so Liu Xiaolan doesn't want to live with Wang Laoer.

Thinking about Wang's second child, Liu Xiaolan felt sick in her heart.

Qin Yu'er replied with a sneer, "Since you are married to my father, you are a member of our Qin family, so our Qin family has the final say on how to deal with you!

Now that you have some use value, you naturally have to contribute to our Qin family, otherwise my father spent so much money on you, wouldn't it be for nothing?
If you don't want to, you can just return the money my father spent to our Qin family, so I won't make things difficult for you! "

Liu Xiaolan felt like crying.

Qin An spent a total of six or seventy taels of silver on her.

Just helping his parents pay off the debts has cost him forty or fifty dollars.There is a dowry gift of 20 taels of silver!

What was owed has already been repaid. For the 20 taels of silver as the betrothal gift, Liu Xiaolan spent twelve taels to buy the ointment for scar removal, and the other twelve taels were blackmailed by Wang Laoer.

How can I get so much money back to the Qin family now?
But if the money is not paid, is it really necessary to recite it to Wang Laoer as a wife?

Don't...she doesn't!
Following Wang Lao Er will only lead a more miserable life!

At that time, it will be even more difficult for her to hook up with people and live a good life.

Liu Xiaolan had no choice but to cast her eyes on Qin An for help, and begged Qin An pitifully, "Brother An, husband and wife for a day and a hundred days of kindness, please don't give me to Wang Lao Er!"

(End of this chapter)

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