Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1470 Agreeing to Let Su Qingyao Be a Concubine

Chapter 1470 Agreeing to Let Su Qingyao Be a Concubine
Feng Qiaoling believes that after getting along, people can develop love for a long time.

Qin Sheng likes Su Qingyao simply because the two of them have been together for a long time.

She just lost to Su Qingyao in terms of time. If she could meet Qin Sheng before Su Qingyao, maybe she would be the one Qin Sheng likes!

Anyway, she will not give up on Qin Sheng easily.

Does Qin Sheng hate her anymore? When they get along in the future, Qin Sheng will naturally fall in love with her slowly.

This is a matter of time.

If she gives up now and doesn't insist, then she really has no way to be with Qin Sheng.

Qin Sheng didn't know where Feng Qiaoling's self-confidence came from to say such words.

"It's a pity that I don't even have an interest in understanding you, so don't waste your time."

"Whether it takes effort or not is up to Miss Ben, and Miss Ben is willing to do so, so don't worry about it!" Feng Qiaoling said, raising her chin with a flabbergasted look.

"You..." Qin Sheng clenched his fists. If possible, he really wanted to beat Feng Qiaoling to see if she stopped.Regardless of whether she is a woman or not, he doesn't mind cleaning up if she hates women too much.

"Qin Sheng, don't look at Miss Ben like this. Miss Ben is so beautiful, shouldn't you be looking at me with admiration? What does this look mean?"

The disgust in Qin Sheng's eyes still made Feng Qiaoling a little uncomfortable. After all, all the men she met since she was a child were flattering him, and she had never looked at him like Qin Sheng.

Qin Sheng spat on the ground, "Damn, you don't take a pee to take care of yourself, just like you, you're far behind my wife, it's enough for me to look at my wife, there's no use in admiring it you?"

Feng Qiaoling smiled lightly and said, "Well, that's because you are unlucky, there is nothing you can do. But one day you will appreciate the beauty of this young lady."

Qin Sheng couldn't take it anymore, and gave Feng Qiaoling a blank look, "How can there be such a shameless woman like you in this world? This is the first time I've seen someone with such a thick skin."

Feng Qiaoling was a little unconvinced, "You are obviously blind!"

"My eyes are very good."

"Qin Sheng, I've been patient enough with you. I've stayed in this poor place for several days. When will you be able to accept me?"

Qin Sheng said with a cold face, "Don't even think about it in this life, it will never be possible. There are so many men in the world, you just go find someone else, why are you so desperate for me?"

"Because you are handsome!"

"Are there many handsome ones? I heard that the young man is pretty good-looking. You can find a happy one, and I promise that everyone will be considerate to you."

Feng Qiaoling took a deep breath in her chest, this Qin Sheng must have gone too far, what's the difference between this and a man looking for a chicken?

Could it be that she, Feng Qiaoling, is worthy of such a man?

"No, people are not as good-looking as you, anyway, you don't need to say anything, I'm the one who likes you!"

"Qin Sheng, you like Su Qingyao so much, she's just a country girl, she can't give you anything at all!" Feng Qiaoling's voice softened, as if pleading.

"That's not okay, anyway, I like her! Don't talk too much, I will never leave my wife in this life!"

Feng Qiaoling bit her lower lip and said, "Qin Sheng, if you are willing to marry me and be with me, I am not so unreasonable. I can agree that Su Qingyao will continue to be with you, but she must be a concubine .”

(End of this chapter)

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