Chapter 1481

"Fifth brother, I am your real brother, and you are my real brother, what do you think you and I care about?

Isn't it just a little money... You Wufang has so much money, so what if you give it to me for nothing?
Hey... the third brother really has a hard life, he really can't do the work, and the brother is not considerate, why do you want a brother?

woohoo woo..."

As Qin Fang spoke, he burst into tears.

Not only is she accusing Qin Sheng, but she also feels sorry for herself.

If you want to fool around and earn some money, the result is not easy.

After the third brother finished crying, the surroundings looked at the third brother as pitiful, so they persuaded Qin Sheng, "Brother Qin Sheng, after all, it is your third brother, so don't worry about it too much.

It's not a big deal for a family to suffer a little loss. "

"That's right. Look at your third brother's small body, he really doesn't seem to be able to do it. Let him rest more, let's do more work."

Qin Sheng's face darkened, as the third brother, he knew how to pretend to be pitiful.A big man was crying, wanting to be in front of others.

"Third brother, don't pretend like this. When I asked you to do this job, I thought you could do it well. Now that you don't work, you just want to be lazy. Why do I ask you to do this job?" What? It’s a waste of my daughter-in-law’s trust.”

As Qin Sheng spoke, he still seemed to hate iron for being weak.

The daughter-in-law is so kind, the daughter-in-law who was as virtuous as the third brother before was willing to give him a chance.

As a result, the third brother is like this.

If the daughter-in-law finds out, she will be very sad.


Qin Sheng sighed, not knowing what to say.

"Fifth brother, is there nothing I can do? Your third brother only has so little strength, and he has done his best..."

Qin Sheng didn't bother to pay attention to Qin Fang, and said directly, "Third brother, don't talk about it.

Since you can't do it, I won't force you, and I can't make you tired. You can go back now and rest as long as you want. "

Qin Sheng chased people away directly, which made Qin Fang stunned, and replied reluctantly. "Fifth brother... you let me go back, will I get paid to rest?"

Qin Sheng only thought it was ridiculous, and asked Qin Fang back, "What do you think?"

Qin Fang twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "Hey, fifth brother, I think we are brothers, you shouldn't care too much about third brother."

Qin Sheng didn't expect the third brother's skin to be so thick. He overestimated the third brother's self-knowledge after all.

Qin Sheng directly replied angrily, "Hehe, third brother, it seems that you are quite shameless, thinking that I will pay you wages when you don't work, you really want to be beautiful!"

The third brother curled his lips, continued to whine a few times, thought for a while and said, "Fifth brother, then I'd better not go back to rest, let's continue to work!"

I have nothing to eat when I stay at home, so I can help with work here, so I can get some food at least.

Besides, there is still a meal at noon.

Not to mention the wages, at least I can have a hearty meal every day.

After a while, it will be meal time, and he can eat after a while.

Qin Sheng glanced at Qin Fang, and then said, "Okay, third brother, I'll give you one more chance, if you work, I won't talk about you, I will continue to use you.

If you don't work, then don't blame me for not using you, just go as far as you can! "

"Okay, okay, fifth brother, don't be angry, can't the third brother do it?" The third brother got up from the ground and picked up the tools to start working.

Although he was weak at work, at least he was doing it, so Qin Sheng didn't say much.

(End of this chapter)

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