Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1484 My Son Didn't Recognize

Chapter 1484 My Son Didn't Recognize

"Hey, you are really a waiter, what a blessing! I have lived to this age, and I have never seen anyone serve me."

Yin Cuihua raised the corners of her mouth proudly, "That's right, not everyone can have such a good life, it depends on fate."

After showing off for a while, Yin Cuihua felt that it was a bit boring to continue showing off in front of these women. Remembering the business of coming back today, Yin Cuihua left.

"Okay, I won't chat with you anymore, I have to go find my fifth child!"

Yin Cuihua said, and rushed towards the place where Qin Sheng built the factory.

Before she came back, she had inquired about it, and Qin Sheng was busy working on the factory that Wufang was building now.

When Yin Cuihua's carriage stopped in front of the factory, Qin Sheng was still doing physical work.

When Yin Cuihua saw it, her heart ached and she hurriedly yelled at Qin Sheng a few times.

Qin Sheng raised his head, glanced at Yin Cuihua for a few moments, but didn't recognize her immediately, and continued to work hard.

Yin Cuihua thought that Qin Sheng ignored her, and walked towards Qin Sheng angrily, and then asked Qin Sheng, "I said, fifth, what's the matter with you? Even if you see your mother, you don't even know that you will tell me." Yeah? Mom calling you, did you hear that?"

Qin Sheng glanced at Yin Cuihua again, then looked at Yin Cuihua in surprise and said, "Mother, it's you, I didn't even recognize it!"

Yin Cuihua snorted lightly and said, "You brat, your mother can't even recognize you!"

"Mother, it's because you have changed too much. Is it abnormal that you can't recognize it? You were not like this before." Qin Sheng curled his lips and muttered.

Seeing Yin Cuihua coming back, the third brother approached Yin Cuihua with a smile and said, "Mother, you really can't blame the fifth brother for this, you have really changed too much, let alone the fifth brother didn't recognize it at a glance, even me, I didn't recognize it at a glance." come out."

Yin Cuihua didn't blame Qin Sheng, but said, "What? You two scumbags, can it be that you can't recognize the beauty of your mother's dress now? The change of your mother is really so great. Is it big?"

Qin Fang nodded heavily, and flattered him, "Mom, of course you are old, you are dressed like a little girl now, how beautiful you are, just go out, I don't know how many old men you can charm. "

Yin Cuihua scolded Qin Fang, "You brat, what are you talking about? Can you say such things?"

But he was a little happy in his heart. Although Qin Fang's words were a little rude, he was always praising him for his good looks!
Although she is getting old, women are all the same, hoping to become beautiful.

She didn't expect to hook up with any old man, just let people look envious.

Yin Cuihua said while stroking her hair.

This hair was combed by the old lady who was by her side.

Needless to say, people who specialize in serving people are different. After professional training, they serve people in a different way.

Combing hair like this, as well as massage and cooking, are better than ordinary country people.

Yin Cuihua sighed that a rich life is good, people can enjoy it, unlike in the countryside, where they can only suffer and be wronged every day, after living in the county town, let Yin Cuihua live back to the previous life, Yin Cuihua feels that she is sure It will be very uncomfortable.

Qin Fang chuckled a few times, "Mother, I'm just telling the truth. Could it be that Mother didn't look in the mirror and didn't know that she was as beautiful as a little girl?"

(End of this chapter)

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