Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1487 For Feng Qiaoling

Chapter 1487 For Feng Qiaoling

Yin Cuihua sat down on the ground while crying, and acted foolishly.

Seeing Yin Cuihua like this, Qin Sheng was speechless.

Yin Cuihua continued crying and cursing, "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

I am my own mother, how many sons can treat their own mother like this? "


"I suffered a crime back then, but now my son is not filial!"



Yin Cuihua was crying, and it seemed that Qin Sheng had done something wrong to Yin Cuihua.

Qin Sheng didn't know what to say to Yin Cuihua for a moment.

Putting it aside, Qin pretended to be considerate and comforted, "Okay, mother, don't cry, it's not worth it to break your body from crying."

Then he said to Qin Sheng, "Fifth brother, what happened today is indeed your fault. Mother has done something for you over the years, so why are you not grateful at all? If it wasn't because mother helped you Marry a daughter-in-law, where do you get the money to marry yourself?
If you didn't marry Su Qingyao, you would not be happy now.

So no matter what, fifth brother, sometimes you have to thank mother and say good things about mother, instead of confronting mother like now and saying these things that make mother sad. "

After hearing Qin Fang's words, Yin Cuihua was very moved. She usually looked at this unpromising third child, but she didn't expect to become the most considerate person at the critical moment.

Qin Sheng's face immediately fell down, he glanced at Yin Cuihua, then at Qin Fang, the corner of his mouth curled up coldly, "Hehe, whatever you like to say, if you say I have no conscience, then I have no conscience!

But there is one thing I have to remind, if you want to cry or make trouble, you have to stay away and don't make trouble here.

If you stay here again, don't blame me for being rude. "

Yin Cuihua's original crying stopped immediately, and she looked at Qin Sheng pitifully.

She can't leave now, there are still things to do!
Now that I'm gone, all the tossing and going back and forth will be in vain.

Yin Cuihua curled her lips and said, "Fifth, that's fine, mother will stop making noise, but can you listen to what mother has to say?"

Qin Sheng asked lightly, "Mom, what do you want to say?"

Yin Cuihua saw that Qin Sheng's attitude softened a little, and she was willing to listen to her a few words, so she said with a smile on her face, "That's right, fifth son, the daughter of the county lord went to her mother and told her that she liked you." I like it tight.

Mother sees that girl is very good both in appearance and conduct, plus she is the daughter of the county magistrate, if you become such a daughter-in-law, you will be prosperous in your life. "

Qin Sheng didn't expect Feng Qiaoling to go find Yin Cuihua.

Originally thinking that there was no movement during this period of time, maybe Feng Qiaoling just left it at that, but I didn't expect that the matter was not over yet,
Qin Sheng was angry and worried at the same time. After all, Feng Qiaoling was the daughter of the county magistrate, so it was not easy to deal with if she really entangled him.

Qin Sheng didn't want his and Su Qingyao's life to be disturbed by outsiders, and he didn't want Feng Qiaoling's intervention to affect his relationship with Su Qingyao.

Now Yin Cuihua came to help Feng Qiaoling speak, which made Qin Sheng very impatient.

Qin Sheng went back, "So, mother, what do you mean when you come here and tell me about this? Are you trying to persuade me to marry Feng Qiaoling?"

(End of this chapter)

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