Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1492 Discuss with Su Qingyao

Chapter 1492 Discuss with Su Qingyao
Looking at Qin Sheng's reaction and expression, he knew that Qin Sheng should know about it.

Qin Sheng didn't tell her...

Su Qingyao wondered what was going on, Qin Sheng's face was not good-looking, it should not be a good thing.

While eating, Su Qingyao asked casually, "Mother, are you used to living in the county?"

Yin Cuihua nodded quickly, "Get used to it, get used to it!"

Suddenly going back from a good life to a hard life may not be used to it, but who would not be used to living a good life from a hard life?
Everyone will not think that they are having a good life, but only hope for a better life.

"How did you live that day? It should be very happy in the county town, right?"

Yin Cuihua continued to nod and said, "That's right, the life in the county town is not as good as that in the countryside. It's very happy, there are food and drink, and there are people waiting for you! Unlike in the countryside, you can buy everything in the mountains and have to do everything. Handling it by myself is exhausting..."

In Yin Cuihua's words, there is a bit of dislike for the life in the country, anyway, she is never willing to return to the life in the country again.

Su Qingyao smiled and said, "Mom, since the life in the county is so good, you don't want to stay and enjoy it in the county, but now you're back in the countryside, why are you here?"

Yin Cuihua opened her mouth to say something, but when she saw Qin Sheng glaring at her, her face was also very ugly, and she was too frightened to say more.

Hey, forget it, let’s not talk about it.

Even if you want to say it, you can't say it in front of the fifth child. Turn around and talk to Su Qingyao in private.

Faced with such a situation, Su Qingyao became even more suspicious.

Qin Sheng is a good guy, it seems that he really has something to hide from her!

He is quite courageous, and dared to hide this and that from her.

She just waited to see if Qin Sheng didn't say anything, and later she found out the truth and what was the reason.

The weather has become much hotter these days, and it has already entered summer. In addition to working during the day, Qin Sheng will be covered in sweat when he comes back at night, so he will take a bath every day to cool off.

After Su Qingyao boiled the water, Qin Sheng brought some hot water, went to the bathroom, and began to scrub.

Taking advantage of Qin Sheng's departure, Yin Cuihua approached Su Qingyao.

"Fifth daughter-in-law..." Yin Cuihua yelled at Su Qingyao with some embarrassment.

Su Qingyao raised her eyebrows and asked, "Mother, what's the matter?"

"That... old fifth daughter-in-law, mother has something to discuss with you..."

Su Qingyao narrowed her beautiful eyes, and guessed that what Yin Cuihua wanted to discuss with her should be the purpose of her coming back today, and it was also something that Qin Sheng would not let Yin Cuihua talk about.

So Su Qingyao replied, "Mom, if you have anything to say, just say it."

"It's like this...Lao Wu's daughter-in-law, mother knows that you are a sensible and good boy, and you are also very good to Lao Wu, so you should be thinking about Lao Wu's kindness in your heart, right?"

Su Qingyao just looked at Yin Cuihua and didn't speak.

Yin Cuihua smiled awkwardly, and continued, "That's it, wife of the fifth wife, do you know that the daughter of the county magistrate fell in love with the fifth?
They are willing to marry Lao Wu, and they are willing to let you be a concubine, and continue to live with Lao Wu.

For such a good thing, you have to persuade Lao Wu not to be confused and refuse the daughter of the county magistrate!

In the future, wait for the fifth child to become the daughter of the county magistrate, and if he becomes prosperous, he will lead you to live a good life.

The fifth child was ignorant and refused to agree.As a daughter-in-law, you think more about your own man. "

(End of this chapter)

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