Chapter 1515
Su Qingyao distributed the candied haws. The three children each had two skewers. She and Mrs. Cao each had one skewer, and the remaining two skewers were given to Zhao Hongxiu.

"Ah, sister, why did you give me two bunches of candied haws? Children only eat two bunches, but you can eat all of them!" Zhao Hongxiu was a little embarrassed to answer.

Su Qingyao also smiled and said, "It's okay, Sister Hong, you take it and eat.

You are different from me, there is another one in your belly!

People are pregnant and like to eat sour things. This candied haws are sweet and sour, you should like it. "

Zhao Hongxiu thought it was true.

Ever since I got pregnant, I like to eat some sour fruits!Sweet and sour candied haws should be more to her liking.

"Haha, sister, if this is the case, then I will eat an extra bunch!"

As Zhao Hongxiu said, she took a bite of a candied haws and ate it into her mouth, showing a satisfied expression, "Mmm! It's delicious! It's really delicious!"

Mrs. Cao smiled from the side, "The fourth sibling must be pregnant with a son."

"Why?" Su Qingyao asked curiously.

"Yeah, why? Third sister-in-law, can you see what's in my stomach?"

Cao explained with a smile, "Sour children are hot girls, sour children are hot girls, the fourth sibling likes to eat sour, so there must be sons in their stomachs."

There is no scientific basis for this, that is, what the old man passed on, Su Qingyao didn't quite believe it, but she still said a few words.

After all, in this day and age, most people like me for giving birth to a son, and Zhao Hongxiu is no exception.

Su Qingyao was not.

For Su Qingyao, it doesn't matter whether she has sons or daughters, the main thing is her own children.

Zhao Hongxiu touched her stomach, as if expecting something.

Su Qingyao handed another bunch of candied haws to Cao Shi, "Sister-in-law, you can eat it too, haven't you eaten it yet?"

"I...I don't need... Fifth sibling, you can eat..."

Cao was a little embarrassed to accept it.

Originally, the big flower and the little flower wanted to eat candied haws, but Su Qingyao had already spent a lot of money. How could she, a mother, have the nerve to follow her?
Simply forget it and stop eating.

However, Su Qingyao stuffed the candied haws into Cao's hands at once, "I bought so much, third sister-in-law, you must also try it together!"

Cao Shi looked at the candied haws in his hand, and then at Su Qingyao, feeling moved in his heart.

Dahua and Xiaohua urged behind Cao, "Mother, candied haws are very sweet, you should eat them quickly!"

"Yes, mother, eat candied haws quickly! Mother should try it too!"

Mrs. Cao couldn't refuse, so she could only nod her head in response, "Mmm... mother... mother!"

Cao ate one and put it in his mouth, the sweet taste was very satisfying.

Cao's heart is also sweet!
Su Qingyao and the others continued to stroll around. When they saw delicious food, Su Qingyao was not stingy at all, and bought some for the children, and the adults followed behind to eat.

When she encountered something she wanted to buy, Su Qingyao also bought some.

Cao Shi liked some small things, but Cao Shi was reluctant to buy them. Su Qingyao paid attention to them and helped Cao Shi buy them.

In fact, it didn't cost much, and to Su Qingyao, it was a drop in the bucket.

Cao was so moved that she didn't know what to say.

Originally worried about having no money, she went out to have a look around, but although she had no money, she asked Su Qingyao to help her spend the money.

Cao was grateful, and only hoped that he would have the opportunity to repay Su Qingyao's kindness in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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