Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1521 Find Su Qingyao

Chapter 1521 Find Su Qingyao

On the way, several people were chatting and laughing, forgetting the things that just came up.


After Su Qingyao and Zhao Hongxiu went shopping, Qin Sheng woke up from a nap.

In the past two days, because of the spirit guard and the funeral of Qin's father, Qin Sheng was extremely busy and tired.

After finally resting for a day, I fell asleep immediately.

Who knew that Su Qingyao wasn't there when she woke up.

Qin Sheng asked Yin Cuihua, "Mom, where is my wife? Have you seen my wife?"

Yin Cuihua was a little annoyed when she saw how nervous Su Qingyao was, Qin Sheng's baby.

Such a woman is annoying to look at. Her fifth son is really out of his mind, that's why he cares so much about Su Qingyao, even Feng Qiaoling can ignore her.

"Go shopping with your third sister-in-law and fourth sister-in-law!" Yin Cuihua curled her lips.

"Ah? I went shopping...don't take me..." Qin Sheng muttered sadly.

"Fifth brother, you didn't take it with you when you fell asleep. I think the fifth brother and sister didn't take me with you!" The third brother interrupted.

Qin Sheng gave the third brother a white look, "Isn't it right not to take you with me?"

"Fifth brother, what are you talking about? You can follow, why can't I follow your third brother?"

"Third brother, because you are useless, you are not as good as me!"

"I said fifth brother, how do you talk? You know how to irritate people! You look down on people like this, your third brother is not as handsome as you, how can you not compare with you?"

Qin Sheng snorted softly, "It seems that third brother still doesn't have any self-knowledge!"

"Fifth brother, you're going too far, to humiliate your third brother like this!" Qin Fang gritted his teeth angrily.

Seeing the two brothers quarreling again, Yin Cuihua suddenly had a severe headache and yelled angrily, "Can you two big men stop arguing? Like a child, is it interesting to quarrel?"

Only then did Qin Sheng and Qin Fang calm down.

Qin Sheng snorted lightly and said, "I'll go find my wife!"

With that said, Qin Sheng was about to go out.

However, before he stepped out of the door, he saw a familiar figure approaching.

It was none other than Feng Qiaoling who came.

Qin Sheng frowned suddenly, and said to Feng Qiaoling in displeasure, "Why are you here?"

"Let me take a look, okay?"

"Hehe, whatever, I'm leaving anyway."

Yin Cuihua hurriedly pulled Qin Sheng back, "You brat, where are you going? Didn't you see Miss Feng coming over? I need to say a few words with you!"

"I'm going to find my daughter-in-law, mother, you care about her so much, just talk with her!"

"Stinky boy, you are thinking about Su Qingyao, where can you find the one on the street?
Su Qingyao has been out for a long time, don't go out to look for it at that time, if it's wrong, Su Qingyao is back again.It's better to just stay at home and wait for her to come back.

Several people go out together, are you still afraid that something will happen to her in broad daylight? "

Qin Sheng frowned, thinking about what Yin Cuihua said also made sense.

He's looking for it now, where can he find it in such a big county.

Don't let Su Qingyao come back as soon as he goes out, looking for it will only delay the effort.

Qin Sheng's steps paused, and he didn't go out again.

Yin Cuihua hurriedly asked Su Qingyao to sit down, then smiled at Feng Qiaoling, and flattered her, "Miss Feng, come here, please sit down too! I'll ask someone to make you a cup of tea!"

(End of this chapter)

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