Chapter 1527

Feng Qiaoling didn't expect Su Qingyao to threaten her like this.

This kind of thing must have an impact on a woman's reputation.

Feng Qiaoling only thought about being able to be with Qin Sheng, and by doing this today, she was forcing Qin Sheng to be responsible for her. She never thought of making a big fuss about this matter and letting many people know about it.

This is not her purpose and original intention.

In addition, if this matter really gets out, it will indeed have a great impact on Feng Qiaoling's reputation.

When her father found out, he must be even more pissed off.

Once it gets out, it is estimated that her father will be involved and become a joke.At that time, what will the magistrate's face be?

Feng Qiaoling doesn't want this.

Feng Qiaoling bit her lower lip, picked up the clothes scattered on the floor and put them on.

"I'm going, can't I go?"

After she was finished dressing, Feng Qiaoling glanced at Qin Sheng resentfully, and then at Su Qingyao, "Just wait for me, there is nothing I can't miss that this lady wants."

After speaking, Feng Qiaoling left the room.

Qin Sheng breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at Su Qingyao.

"Daughter-in-law..." Qin Sheng smiled flatteringly at Su Qingyao.

Seeing Qin Sheng's ingratiating smile, Su Qingyao twitched the corners of her mouth and replied, "What's wrong? Are you guilty?"

"Daughter-in-law, why am I guilty? Didn't you already believe that I didn't do anything..."

"That will not avoid the punishment you deserve!"

Qin Sheng's heart tightened, and he asked, " are you going to punish me? Did I do something wrong?"

"I believe in the innocence between you and Feng Qiaoling, but Qin Sheng, you are a big man, don't you know how to protect yourself? How did you get drugged by someone else? How did you let someone come into your house? Have a chance to succeed?

If you pay attention, can people have a chance to come over?
So in any case, you also have an unshirkable responsibility for this matter. Do you think you should be punished? " Su Qingyao raised her eyebrows and asked.

After hearing Su Qingyao's words, Qin Sheng nodded.

"Well... daughter-in-law, it really seems that I am quite wrong when you say that...

Well, daughter-in-law, I know I was wrong, so don't bother with me, okay?I guarantee that there will be no such opportunity next time! "

Su Qingyao rolled her eyes, "Are you still thinking about the next time?"

"Daughter-in-law...Of course there will be no next time, I just said it casually!"

"It's good to know."

Qin Sheng bit his lower lip and muttered, "Daughter-in-law, I don't think Feng Qiaoling gave my medicine, I didn't take anything she took.

The only thing I ate was the food my mother asked my servants to deliver.


How can mother do this?

No, I have to go to my mother to discuss it, how could you treat me like this?I already told her that I don't want to be with Feng Qiaoling, but she's meddling in the middle! "

Qin Sheng got up excitedly, and when he wanted to go to Yin Cuihua to argue, he suddenly pulled the wound on his arm.


Qin Sheng gasped in pain, and Su Qingyao discovered the wound on Qin Sheng's arm.

Seeing the injury on Qin Sheng's arm, Su Qingyao hurriedly asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Qin Sheng covered up the wound, and said with a chuckle, "Daughter-in-law, it's nothing..."

"It's nothing? It's nothing. You got hurt on your hand?" Su Qingyao frowned, and replied angrily.

This guy is really a worry!
(End of this chapter)

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