Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1536 Dispute between 3 bedrooms and 2 husbands

Chapter 1536
Seeing Qin Sheng stumbling out and running out, the Qin family didn't have time to stop him.

Zhao Hongxiu sighed worriedly, knowing that Qin Sheng would definitely not listen to what she said now, why not ask Qin Sheng to talk to Feng Qiaoling, and only hope that this matter can be accomplished.

However, Zhao Hongxiu knew very well in her heart that Feng Qiaoling liked Qin Sheng, and if she wanted Feng Qiaoling to help release Su Qingyao, it might not be that easy, even if Feng Qiaoling agreed, there would definitely be a price.

After all, there is no free lunch in the world, and people will not help you for nothing.

Right now, I can only follow Qin Sheng to try it out, whether it will work or not is another matter.

Zhao Hongxiu naturally hopes that Feng Qiaoling can help, after all, she is also very worried about Su Qingyao, thinking that Su Qingyao can come out sooner.

After waiting for Qin Sheng to run away, the third brother dared to complain about his true thoughts.

"Hey, Fifth Brother is too exaggerated, do you like Fifth Brother and Sister that much?
The past few days I don't think about tea, I don't want to eat, and now I'm in such a hurry, isn't it just a woman?Is it necessary?

If the old one doesn't go and the new one doesn't come, Fifth Brother might as well take this opportunity to be with the daughter of the county magistrate! "

Cao gave Qin Sheng a displeased look, "Why are you talking?
Aren't the fifth siblings our relatives?Now that something happened, you still say such sarcastic remarks?Do you have a conscience?
If it weren't for the fifth sibling, our Zhanpeng wouldn't have been able to give birth, maybe he wouldn't have a son in this life?

You don't know how to be grateful, and you still say this, if the fifth sibling hears it, how heartbroken it will be. "

Cao always remembered Su Qingyao's kindness in her heart, so she helped Su Qingyao speak.

After the third brother was told by Mrs. Cao, although he was a little ashamed, he still glanced at his mouth stiffly and said, "Isn't there no way to do it? Who offended the fifth sibling and who is not good, but he wants to offend the magistrate?

We are all plain-headed ordinary people, and the chance of rescuing the fifth sibling is very slim. If so, why not forget it, why waste effort!

The fifth younger brother is now looking for the daughter of the county magistrate, so he can still save himself a way out! "

"Qin Fang, don't make excuses, you just have no conscience! Thanks to my fifth sibling who helped our family before, a person like you must have had his conscience eaten by dogs." Cao snorted angrily. With a sound, the more I look at Qin Fang now, the more unpleasant I feel.

How did you blindly follow such a man back then?

"You stinky bitch, you have to catch your man and talk non-stop, am I being too kind to you?" Qin Fang was also a little annoyed, raised his sleeves, and stared at Cao Shi, looking like he wanted to clean up Cao Shi posture.

Zhao Hongxiu hastily pulled in the middle, "Okay, third brother, you two stop fighting.

After all, we are a family, and we must all be thinking about the good of the five younger siblings.The third sister-in-law is worried about the fifth sibling, so she can understand with a few words from you. "

The third brother snorted softly, "So what, this stinky bitch, now she protects the fifth sibling more than I do, don't you know that your man is the most important thing?"

"I just think that the fifth younger sibling is better than you, more reliable than you, and you don't look at your own virtues, how can you compare with the fifth younger sibling?

If it weren't for the help of our five younger siblings, Zhanpeng and I would have starved to death.You have to be grateful, Qin Fang, I think you have forgotten that the five younger brothers and sisters helped our family before, otherwise how could you say these bastard words? "

(End of this chapter)

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