Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1543 Kowtow to Him

Chapter 1543 Kowtow to Him
If he could, he wished he could beat himself to death now.

Unfortunately not...

He can't beat himself to death yet, even if he resents and disappoints himself again, he will have to wait for his wife to be rescued first, so he can die.

At this moment, a carriage slowly approached the Duke Protector's Mansion.

Qin Sheng raised his eyes and looked at the carriage.

The guard guarding the gate said, "Young Master is back."

Young master... that should be Mu Shaoqing?
It seems that he did not kill him, and met Mu Shaoqing.

Qin Sheng supported his body with some excitement, and saw that the carriage finally stopped in front of the Duke Huguo's mansion, and the person who got off from the carriage was exactly Mu Shaoqing.

Qin Sheng hurriedly shouted to Mu Shaoqing, "Mu Shaoqing, Mu Shaoqing!"

When Mu Shaoqing heard Qin Sheng's voice, she thought she had heard it wrong.

When he turned his head and saw Qin Sheng, he frowned slightly.

"It's you……"

Why is he here?

Mu Shaoqing felt very strange.

Ever since Fushan Village came back, Mu Shaoqing felt like she hadn't seen Qin Sheng for a long time.

He actually came to Kyoto?

Judging from Qin Sheng's expression, it seemed that something urgent happened.

Curious, Mu Shaoqing walked towards Qin Sheng and asked, "Why are you here? What's the matter?"

Qin Sheng looked at Mu Shaoqing, bit his lower lip and said, "I'm here to ask you for help."

Mu Shaoqing frowned, feeling a little strange.

What do you ask me for help?
You have come all the way to Kyoto, is there anything I can do to help you? "

"My daughter-in-law was taken away by the government, if she is not rescued, the consequences will be dire.

Mu Shaoqing, when I beg you, can you save my daughter-in-law? "

Hearing that Su Qingyao was arrested by the government, Mu Shaoqing was slightly taken aback, but never thought that Su Qingyao would be arrested.

Turning around and thinking about it, that woman Su Qingyao has a wild personality and is not afraid of trouble, so it's normal to cause some trouble.

Judging by Qin Sheng's reaction, it seems that Su Qingyao has caused a lot of trouble this time.

Although he left Fushan Village for a while, Mu Shaoqing was constantly looking for all kinds of beauties in the capital.

But what Mu Shaoqing had to admit was that he had never forgotten Su Qingyao in his heart, and he missed Su Qingyao.

When facing Su Qingyao's difficulties and dangers, Mu Shaoqing couldn't let himself let go.

But thinking of this woman rejecting him again and again, Mu Shaoqing felt that what he did to Su Qingyao was futile.

Anyway, this woman won't be with him, nor will she talk about his kindness.

Mu Shaoqing replied to Qin Sheng indifferently, "So what? She is not my son's wife, so why should I save her?"

"I know...but I beg you, as long as you are willing to save my daughter-in-law, you can ask me to do anything..." Qin Sheng begged Mu Shaoqing humbly.

"That's fine, you can divorce Su Qingyao and let Su Qingyao marry me, and I will save her." Mu Shaoqing said with her chin raised.

Qin Sheng bit his lower lip, and replied to Mu Shaoqing, "This request is not acceptable, I cannot leave my wife."

Mu Shaoqing sneered, "Didn't you say that you are willing to do anything? Why do you feel that you can't do it now?"

"Change it to something else, this one really won't work..."

"Okay, why don't you give me a few kowtows, I can think about it, how about it?" Mu Shaoqing made a joke, but he was teasing Qin Sheng.

(End of this chapter)

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