Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1546 Hold on to the chapter

Chapter 1546 Struggle to go back
Bai Luotian thought for a while, and then said, "Let's prepare the horse directly, the carriage is really too slow, it might take three days to get there.

There is no delay now, we still have to prepare earlier and get up and rush over. "

Even if you are a little tired on the road, you have to go back.

After all, in Bai Luotian's heart, no woman is as important as Su Qingyao.

So he would rather tire himself, and must rescue Su Qingyao as soon as possible.

But Bai Luotian glanced at Qin Sheng.

Seeing Qin Sheng rushing here, he was full of travel and dust, his face was weak and pale at the moment, if he hurried on his way, his body might not be able to bear it.

So Bai Luotian said to Qin Sheng, "Why don't you go there and rest at my house for a couple of days? I'm afraid your body won't be able to bear the back and forth.

Don't worry, Yao'er will be safe and sound with me here. "

Mu Siya on the side saw it, and followed Bai Luotian to persuade Qin Sheng, "Yes, my cousin is right. You were injured, and you are in a hurry to get back now! You have been traveling all the way. How can I stand it?

Going on like this will only drag you down, don't rush to rescue Yao'er, you will fall down first.

Now my cousin is rushing over. With my cousin here, nothing will happen. You can take a good rest for two days and then go back, okay? "

Although Qin Sheng knew that they cared about his body, he was still a little unhappy.

Qin Sheng clutched his chest and coughed softly, "It's okay, I know my own body well, I'd better hurry back, otherwise I really can't worry about my wife."

Seeing that Qin Sheng persisted, Bai Luotian couldn't say anything, so he could only nod in response, "That's fine, you try first, if you really can't hold on halfway, you can find a place to rest."

Bai Luotian could understand Qin Sheng's mood.

If it were him, he probably would have to rush back no matter what his physical condition was.

This shows from another angle that Su Qingyao holds a different position in Qin Sheng's mind.

"Prepare some dry food and water, let's set off quickly!"

"it is good!"

Qin Sheng nodded in response.

Soon, Bai Luotian's servants brought over the prepared dry food and water.

Bai Luotian took it over, and then greeted Qin Sheng, "Let's go!"

"it is good!"

The two turned over together and jumped onto the horse's back.

Running all the way, neither of them dared to stop and rest for a moment.

Seeing that Bai Luotian could do this for his daughter-in-law, Qin Sheng was slightly moved.

But he didn't open his mouth to say thank you, just keep this kindness in his heart.

Waiting for an opportunity in the future, I will find another opportunity to express my gratitude to Bai Luotian.

The kindness owed to Bai Luotian can't just be forgotten.

The two continued to run on the road for two days, and Qin Sheng's body became more and more unbearable.

But when he thought of Su Qingyao, he thought of a belief supporting him to go back.

In any case, even if he is going to fall, he must wait until his wife is safe and sound before he can fall.

However, after two days of traveling, Qin Sheng was a little exhausted, he lost a lot of weight, and his face became paler and paler.

In fact, Bai Luotian's condition was not much better.

Compared to Qin Sheng, Bai Luotian's body was also very weak.

He travels in carriages, because of his noble status, and he has never been running around like these two days.

Bai Luotian also persevered because of Su Qingyao.

(End of this chapter)

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