Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1552 Caring about Qin Sheng

Chapter 1552 Caring about Qin Sheng
Fortunately, it's out now.

Su Qingyao reckoned that Qin Sheng managed to find Bai Luotian. With Bai Luotian around, Su Qingyao also believed that a small county magistrate would not dare to contend with him.

Because she didn't eat well or sleep well in the prison for several days, Su Qingyao's body was a little crumbling.

She didn't know when she passed out in the prison, but after sleeping now, her physical condition was much better.

Su Qingyao breathed a sigh of relief, and slowly climbed off the bed.

Now my stomach is empty and I desperately want to eat something.

But why didn't I see Qin Sheng?
She thought that she would be able to see Qin Sheng as soon as she opened her eyes, but now she thought about it too much.

Opening the door, Zhao Hongxiu was the first to see Su Qingyao, and hurried to Su Qingyao and said, "Sister, you're finally awake!"

Su Qingyao nodded in response, "Yes!"

"Sister, you must be hungry, right? My sister will get you something to eat, okay?"

Su Qingyao still nodded without hesitation, "Okay, then trouble sister!"

"Oh, why are you being so polite to me? Our relationship." Zhao Hongxiu smiled brightly, and then hurried into the kitchen to get a bowl of lean meat porridge and two side dishes.

"Sister, you are not feeling well, sit down quickly, sit down quickly!" Zhao Hongxiu greeted.

"Hmm..." Su Qingyao nodded weakly, but she seemed a little too nervous looking at Zhao Hongxiu.

"Sister Hong, I'm not that big of a problem, it's just that I'm a little weak, and I'll be fine in a few days."

Su Qingyao is still very clear about her physical condition.

"Haha, you have to be careful.

Sister, you have been suffering these days, so hurry up and drink some porridge to fill your stomach first. You haven't eaten anything for several days, and you can't eat too greasy for a while. "

Su Qingyao nodded, and she knew it too.

Hold the bowl and drink the porridge.

Although it was only a relatively light lean meat porridge, compared to those in the prison, Su Qingyao felt that the porridge she drank at this time was simply delicious in the world.


"good to eat……"

After a while, Su Qingyao swallowed all the side dishes and porridge.

Zhao Hongxiu watched from the side, feeling sorry for Su Qingyao.

Seeing Su Qingyao like this, she has suffered a lot in prison.

"Sister, are you full? How about I get you another bowl?"

Su Qingyao shook her head and said, "No need, sister, I've already eaten a big bowl. I haven't eaten for a long time, and I can't eat too much for a while, or my appetite will be ruined."

"Haha, that's fine, then rest for a while, and when you want to eat, my sister will help you."

"it is good!"

After resting for a while, Su Qingyao still didn't see Qin Sheng, nor did she see Qin Sheng walking around in the yard, so she was a little curious.

It stands to reason that Qin Sheng is so precious that he is nervous about her. When he saw her wake up, shouldn't he run over immediately to take a look at her?
Why didn't you see Qin Sheng?
Unable to bear the curiosity in her heart, Su Qingyao asked Zhao Hongxiu, "Sister Hong, where is Qin Sheng? Do you know where he went? Didn't see anyone else, did he go out for something?"

Zhao Hongxiu patted Su Qingyao's hand, "Sister, don't be nervous, the fifth brother is lying in another room and hasn't woken up yet."

"What's wrong with him?" Su Qingyao's heart skipped a beat after hearing Zhao Hongxiu's words.

(End of this chapter)

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