Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1569 Bai Luotian Farewell

Chapter 1569 Bai Luotian Farewell

Qin An stared at Qin Sheng, but he didn't expect that the two brothers had the same virtue, and it was so heartbreaking that they didn't speak for him.

With Qin Sheng's help, Yin Cuihua said even more triumphantly, "Boss, did you hear that too? Don't say that mother is cruel enough not to take you in. It's you who are pursuing a better life yourself. If you don't want to go back to the village, what can mother do?

Everyone wants to live a good life, but we have to look at the conditions.

You guys might as well be down-to-earth, so you don't have to worry about me. "

Qin An bit his lower lip unwillingly, and Wu Shi did the same.

But what can we do now?
Yin Cuihua doesn't want to take her in, so she can't have to stay here, can she?

Even if you can't save face, you can only go back to the village.

Although the conditions in the village are far inferior to those in the county, at least they don't have to live on the streets, so they won't starve to death.

The few pieces of jewelry that Wu surreptitiously kept were quite valuable, and they were sold for 100 taels of silver.

If you stay in the county with this point, you will definitely not be able to live a good life. You can't even afford a house, and you have to spend everything in your life, and 100 taels of silver will be spent quickly.

But if you go back to the village with 100 taels of silver, it will be different.

100 taels of silver can spend 80 taels of silver to buy more than ten or twenty acres of land, and the remaining 20 taels of silver are reserved for daily expenses.

For the people in the village, if the family can have more than ten or twenty mu of land, not only is the annual ration enough to eat, but they can also be rented to others for farming. Like their family of three, it is estimated that the ration of four to five mu of land is completely enough. The rest is rented out to others, and the annual rent alone can save a small sum of money.

In the countryside, where there is no big expense, it is enough for them to live in a big house.

Although it is not as luxurious as the life in the county town, and there will be no one to wait on it, at least I can eat and drink enough to avoid starving to death on the street.

Since Yin Cuihua is unwilling to take her in, she can only go back to live in the countryside and plan well for her future.

Thinking like this, Dafang and his wife put away their thoughts and could only slowly plan what to do in the future.

After the incident was over, Dafang and his wife went back with Zhao Hongxiu and the fourth brother the next day.

Su Qingyao is not ready to go back yet, not because she wants to stay with Yin Cuihua, but because she wants to go to the county town to see suitable shops in the past two days.

Anyway, he wanted to start his family's soap business everywhere in the future. Since he happened to be in the county now, he would find a suitable shop by the way, so as to save himself the trouble of coming back to see it later.

No matter how long Su Qingyao and Qin Sheng lived together, Yin Cuihua didn't dare to say.

Su Qingyao had been offended by helping Feng Qiaoling before, but now Yin Cuihua dared not offend her again.

Su Qingyao, relying on Bai Luotian's relationship, can get rid of even the county magistrate, let alone an old woman.

Turn around and use some random tricks to get her into the prison, why can't she cry to death?
Not long after Zhao Hongxiu and fourth brother left, Bai Luotian also came to say goodbye.

The matter of the county magistrate's family has been resolved, Bai Luotian feels relieved, and feels that there is no need to stay here any longer.

Although she was a bit reluctant to bear Su Qingyao, it was really inappropriate to stay here all the time.

"Yao'er, I have to go too. I've been in trouble here for a while." Bai Luotian said goodbye to Su Qingyao.

"Young Master Bai, don't you want to stay for a few more days?" Su Qingyao asked politely.

(End of this chapter)

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