Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1575 Chapter Village

Chapter 1575 Returning to the Village
Wang Jinlan responded immediately, "Success!"

In fact, she had already prepared her lunch meal, but the dishes she prepared were relatively simple, and she only cooked some vegetarian dishes, which Wang Jinlan felt was a bit inappropriate to entertain her.

Fortunately, there is still some bacon and sausage at home. Wang Jinlan made two sections of sausage and steamed them. The bacon was fried with some garlic. By the way, I brought a few more eggs and added a few dishes at once. entertained.

Su Qingyao saw Wang Jinlan's politeness, and hurriedly said, "Sister-in-law Jinlan, you don't need to cook so many delicious food, we're just here for a meal, just give us something to eat."

But Wang Jinlan shook her head and said, "That won't work, sister Qingyao, you have come here to have a meal with great difficulty, so don't be vague.

Wait a little longer, it will be cooked soon, if you are hungry, eat something else first. "

Su Qingyao had no choice but to let Wang Jinlan do it.

However, if it were her, it is estimated that Wang Jinlan would come to have a meal with great difficulty and she would prepare the meal well.

Su Qingyao waited for a while, while Qin Sheng and Liu Dazhu were chattering and talking about building the factory.

After a while, Wang Jinlan prepared the meal, and several people gathered around the table and began to eat.

Liu Dazhu said hello, "Come on, brothers and sisters Qin Sheng, hurry up and eat.

It's just that your sister-in-law Jinlan's cooking skills are not as good as those of her younger siblings, so don't be disgusted. "

Qin Sheng immediately stuffed a chopstick of food into his mouth and said, "How can you dislike it? Sister-in-law Jinlan's cooking skills are not bad, and they are much more delicious than many people's dishes."

Wang Jinlan glanced at Qin Sheng, and couldn't help but smile, "Brother Qin Sheng, you are the best at complimenting others."

"Haha, sister-in-law Jinlan, I'm not boasting, I'm telling the truth. Your craftsmanship is very good! It's because Dazhong doesn't know the goods, and doesn't know how to eat them!"

After listening to Qin Sheng's flattery, Wang Jinlan glanced at Liu Dazhu, and joked, "You have to listen to Brother Qin Sheng, you know? When will your mouth be as sweet as Brother Qin Sheng's?"

Su Qingyao smiled and said, "Sister-in-law Jinlan, brother Dazhu is an honest person, and he doesn't know how to praise others. You have to argue with brother Dazhu on weekends."

"Haha, of course I know his dull temper, you are the lucky girl Qingyao." Wang Jinlan looked at Su Qingyao with envy in his eyes.

Several people chatted while eating, Wang Jinlan and Liu Dazhu were very curious about what happened to Su Qingyao in the county.

Wang Jinlan had been worried about Su Qingyao's situation when she heard Cao's saying that Su Qingyao was taken away by the government before, but she didn't know if it was true or not. Now that she saw Su Qingyao came back, she only found out about it after asking in front of Su Qingyao it is true.

Now that Su Qingyao can come back safely, Wang Jinlan took a deep breath.

Thinking about it, I was a little scared. What if Su Qingyao was taken away and couldn't come back?
Fortunately, God opened his eyes, and the protector Su Qingyao came back safely.

Su Qingyao and Qin Sheng didn't go back until after dinner at Wang Jinlan's house.

I haven't come back for several days, and the house at home has a lot of dust, which is very troublesome to deal with.

Qin Sheng helped Su Qingyao clean the house together. Seeing that Su Qingyao was busy, he felt distressed and said, "Daughter-in-law, stop cleaning and rest. I'll do it alone."

(End of this chapter)

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