Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1590 Business is booming

Chapter 1590 Business is booming
Five days later, Su Qingyao's factory was officially put into operation.

The recruited workers all carried out work according to Su Qingyao's arrangement. Compared with Su Qingyao and Wang Jinlan, Shen's made soap, but the efficiency has been greatly improved, and the quality of the soap produced by the assembly line is no problem at all.

Seeing the start of the factory and the production of a large amount of soap, Su Qingyao seemed to have encountered the booming business in the future and earned more money.

Regarding the management of the factory, Su Qingyao has nothing to neglect in terms of wages.

In addition to the guaranteed wages given every day, Su Qingyao also distributed dividends to the workers according to the benefits of the factory, and inspected the work performance of each worker, and there would be extra bonuses for those who worked hard and performed well.

For workers who have worked in the factory for more than 20 years, Su Qingyao will arrange for retirement. After retirement, they will not have to work and receive a fixed salary every month.

This is similar to the working model of the 21st century.

After the trial of this model, the efficiency of workers has been greatly improved.

If the benefit of the factory has nothing to do with the workers, everyone will only do their duties step by step, and will never treat them as enthusiastically as their own affairs.

Now that the efficiency of the factory is linked to wages, the workers naturally want to improve the efficiency of the factory so that they can earn more money.

And after the efficiency of the workers is improved, the production of soap will be much more.

Although Su Qingyao paid a certain amount of wages, compared with the money earned after improving efficiency, it is simply a drop in the bucket.

Su Qingyao has never been stingy about spending money. It seems that she is kind to the workers in the factory, but she is actually seeking the maximum benefit for herself.

However, after raising the wages and various benefits of the workers in this way, many people in the village praised Su Qingyao, including Li Zheng, who praised Su Qingyao several times in person.

The workers earned money, had things to do, the reputation of the village increased, and those smoky things were lessened, so Lizheng was naturally happy in his heart.

He, who is upright, can be relieved a lot, how could he be unhappy.

And Su Qingyao's factory attracted more people who wanted to work because of its good benefits.

During this time, the factory did not forget to exaggerate.When she met suitable and diligent workers, Su Qingyao also received them into the factory.

For some workers in distant villages, Su Qingyao specially hired ox carts to arrange transportation for the workers.

In this way, Su Qingyao's factory has become famous in a radius of dozens of miles.

Because the factory was built and put into operation, the quantity of soap was completely sufficient.

The soap shop opened in the town has no worries about running out of supply, and middlemen from other places have also signed a large number of orders.

For toothpaste, Su Qingyao arranged for another workshop to produce it. Although the profit was not as big as that of soap, the profit was small but the sales were very good.

Orders from middlemen came one after another. In just one month, Su Qingyao's wealth accumulated rapidly. At this rate, Su Qingyao felt that she would not be able to spend all the money in her life.

The soap shop in the town, Su Qingyao, was not left behind either. It took a month to complete the decoration and started to open.

Because she didn't live in the county town, Su Qingyao couldn't take care of the shop in the county town, so she asked Zhao Hongxiu to find a reliable store manager to manage it, and recruited some employees by the way.

(End of this chapter)

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