Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1592 8 Texts 1 Set

Chapter 1592

If it were her, it would be hard to believe that such a thing would happen.

But it doesn't matter if others don't trust her. She has confidence in her product. Su Qingyao knows that as long as someone buys it and sees the effect, she will naturally believe her.

So Su Qingyao raised her voice, "I can understand if you don't believe me, but I will still let everyone relax.

I believe everyone has heard of the soap shop I opened in this town.

Before my soap was launched, no one would believe that there is something that can be washed so cleanly by people in the bath, and remove all the dirt.

Now my skin care product is also the same. It has just been launched, and people may not believe the effect.

But now my shop has opened, and my soap business is still going on, so I can't smash my own brand.

The soap business alone is already booming. I can't shoot myself in the foot by selling something that doesn't work, and damage the reputation of the shop, right? "

After hearing Su Qingyao's words, the onlookers who were interested in this skin care product thought it made sense.

I was still worried about buying it. If it really didn't work, I wouldn't sell it and ruin the store's reputation.

After all, everyone has seen the effect of soap, and it is indeed very good.

Since you want to have such a good effect, the effect of other products should not be too bad.

Then someone asked, "Your skin care products are so effective, shouldn't they be cheap?"

Su Qingyao said with a slight smile, "It's really not cheap, one set can be used for a month, and the effect will definitely be seen, but it only costs [-] Wen.

There are some more precious medicinal materials in it, so the price is higher. After all, you get what you pay for, and I set this price based on the cost. "

The customer who originally wanted to buy it couldn't help but gasped when he heard the [-] Wen.

Eight hundred Wen, really expensive!

Although the people in the county are a little richer than the people in the town, not every household can afford [-] Wen.

Basically, only some rich people can afford such a lot of money, and they are not rich, so when they heard [-] Wen, they still felt that it was too much exaggeration.

However, there are also rich and beauty-loving women who feel that if they can really have the effect Su Qingyao said and their skin can become so good, they are willing to buy it even eight taels of silver, let alone [-] Wen.

Many people surrounded Su Qingyao, and continued to inquire, "Girl, you sell this thing so expensive, what if it doesn't work?
After all, there is a lot of money, if you are cheated, you still have to lose money? "

"That's right, girl, eight hundred Wen is too expensive... If it's cheaper, I can buy some and try..."

Su Qingyao smiled, and gave another reassurance, "You don't have to worry about this. My shop is right here. If you can run away, the monk can't run away from the temple. You can try it and see if it works. If it doesn't work, just go to my shop If there is a problem with the use, I will also compensate.

Also, today is the first day of opening of the new store, with a [-]% discount on the whole store, including this set of skin care products.

If you believe it, you can buy it, and if you don't believe it, I won't force it.

But I think good things will eventually be found.

The quantity of my set of skin care products is limited, first come, first served, if you want to buy it later, it may not be available for a while. "

(End of this chapter)

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