Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1596 Nothing came with me

Chapter 1596 Didn't bring anything back
Yin Cuihua moved with her sons.

What I brought back this time was my usual clothes and a few beddings, nothing else.

After the third brother saw it, he felt strange and couldn't help muttering, "Mother, why did you bring these things with you when you came back this time?"

As he said that, the third brother's expression showed a hint of disappointment.

Yin Cuihua replied lightly, "Isn't that all? What else do you want me to bring back?"

The third brother said in frustration, "Mom... I thought you could bring something good when you finally came back. In the end, there was nothing..."

If Yin Cuihua can bring good things, she can also follow suit.

Maybe you can get something delicious!

The pastries that Yin Cuihua brought back from the county last time still made the third brother have a lot of aftertaste. Now that I think about it, I want to eat it again.

Yin Cuihua's face was a little ugly, and she replied with a calm face, "Why should I bring those things back?"

"Mom, of course you should bring it. The conditions in the countryside are so bad, you can only live better if you bring it here. Bring more food back, and you can eat slowly at home, right..."

The more the third brother talked, Yin Cuihua's face became more and more serious.

Qin An and the second elder brother at the side saw that Yin Cuihua's expression was not right, and hurriedly said, "Oh, well, third brother, you are really too.

How mother came is mother's business, whether you want to bring mother is clear, why are you talking about these things? "

After Qin An finished speaking, the second elder brother followed suit, "That's right, third brother, if you want me to say that you want to eat it yourself, that's why you want to ask mother to bring something good back."

"The third brother is a glutton, he only thinks about himself!"

After the third brother was reprimanded, he curled his lips and dared not speak, Yin Cuihua's face finally looked much better.

"Okay, mother, sixth brother, hurry up and go into the house to rest."

Qin An greeted them, while the third elder brother followed behind and poured tea for them to drink.

After Qin Kui finished drinking the water, he touched his stomach and complained, "Mom, I'm so hungry, when can we eat?"

After Qin Kui finished speaking, Yin Cuihua touched her stomach and said, "I'm hungry too."

"Mom, I'll ask my mother-in-law to prepare some food for you." Qin An hurriedly said.

The second brother and the third brother originally wanted to be as courteous as Qin An, but found that they couldn't be courteous at all.

The eldest brother has a sister-in-law, and the two of them don't even have a daughter-in-law. How can they get food?

Now I can only see that the elder brother pleases Yin Cuihua, maybe he will be treated differently by Yin Cuihua.

Both of them began to regret why they had to reconcile in the first place... If they did not reconcile, now at least there is someone who can help with cooking.

Hearing Qin An's words, Yin Cuihua nodded in response, and said politely, "Boss, I will trouble you."

With a smile on his face, Qin An hurriedly said, "Oh, mother, look what you're talking about.

You finally came back, entertaining you well is what a son should do.

Mother, you and the sixth brother sit and wait for a while, I will ask my mother-in-law to get you something to eat. "

Yin Cuihua nodded, "Okay."

Qin An hurried out of the house, went up to Mrs. Wu and said, "Yu'er's mother, mother is back and hasn't eaten yet, so hurry up and get some food to greet mother.

Oh, by the way, the prepared food should not be too shabby, it should be better, you know? "

(End of this chapter)

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