Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1606 Brother 3 Came to Borrow Money

Chapter 1606 The third brother came to borrow money
Su Qingyao thinks Qin Sheng's idea is good.

They didn't know, and Yin Cuihua didn't say anything. She went to the county town to inquire, and she might be able to find out some news.

Although Su Qingyao is not a gossip character, but for Yin Cuihua's weirdness, she still wants to find out why.

"Well, then you can ask someone to inquire about it."

"Daughter-in-law, don't worry, no matter what tricks mother and sixth brother are playing, I will never let sixth brother and mother bully you!"

Su Qingyao's lips curled into a smile and said, "Look at me, do I look like someone who is easily bullied?"

Qin Sheng thought about Su Qingyao's appearance when he was tough, and there were really few people who were Su Qingyao's opponents, so he shook his head and said, "It's not like that!"

"That's fine, don't worry, your wife is not soft and manageable, if anyone bullies me, I will definitely let him go around." Su Qingyao said, gritted her teeth, and a flash of sharpness flashed in her eyes of light.

Qin Sheng was still relieved, Su Qingyao said, but thinking about Su Qingyao's promise to Yin Cuihua, he frowned worriedly, "But daughter-in-law, why did you agree to let the sixth brother come to work?"

"If you let him come, come, the sixth brother is not a person who can bear hardships, even if you let him come, he won't be able to last for a few days.

I've already said it, but if the sixth brother can't do it, I definitely won't want it.

If I don't agree today, you also know my mother's temperament. If you come to bother me and don't say anything, you will have to spread rumors in the village.

I agree now, and if the sixth brother can't do it by then, he won't be able to blame me. "

After listening to Su Qingyao's analysis, Qin Sheng nodded in response, "Daughter-in-law, you still think too much, I can't even think of these things in my head."

"That's because you're stupid!" Su Qingyao stretched out her hand and tapped Qin Sheng's head lightly.

Qin Sheng curled his lips, and said a little dissatisfied, "Daughter-in-law, just talk nonsense, I'm not stupid! Back then you praised me for being smart, why did you suddenly change?"

"Then you can only say that sometimes you are smart, sometimes you are stupid, not all the time you are smart."

"Daughter-in-law, who is both stupid and smart?" Qin Sheng and Su Qingyao reasoned.

The two talked and laughed a few words.

When the evening was approaching, Qin Fang unexpectedly came over.

Qin Fang, you came over and directly explained the purpose of your visit, "Fifth brother, fifth brother and sister, third brother has something to ask for your help."

When Su Qingyao heard what Qin Fang said, she wondered if Qin Fang knew about Qin Kui's work in the factory, so now that Qin Fang came over, he also wanted her to give her a chance to work?
Qin Sheng frowned and asked, "Third Brother, what do you need us to do for you?"

Qin Fang rubbed his hands together, and said nervously, "Well... fifth brother, third brother is a little tight recently, he has no money at all, and the food at home has also been eaten. If he has no money to buy food, he will starve to death It's..."

"So?" Qin Sheng asked.

Hearing that Qin Fang is so miserable now, Qin Sheng didn't have much sympathy, he just felt that Qin Fang deserved it.

If I don't work to earn money and stay at home all day, isn't it just the end of sitting and eating?
"So fifth brother, can you lend some money to third brother Huahua?

The third brother doesn't want too much, just borrow five taels of silver!Fifth brother, fifth brother and sister, you two are so rich in business now, you must have made a lot of money these days, right?Five taels of silver should not be taken seriously..."

(End of this chapter)

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