Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1628 It's a man who loves his daughter-in-law

Chapter 1628 It's a man who loves his daughter-in-law

After all, women love beauty, and many women like to look in the mirror.

His daughter-in-law is so beautiful, she should let her see for herself how beautiful her face is.

He went out to Haiguo and came across these novel things again, so he naturally had to take some back to show Su Qingyao, counting it as a gift from him, which would make his wife happy and let her learn a lot.

Qin Sheng held the mirror and asked the stall owner, "How do you sell this little mirror?"

"Half taels of silver."

Half a tael of silver is five hundred Wen. Qin Sheng felt that the price was a bit expensive, but after all, the things were novel, and the price was acceptable.

As long as you take it home, the daughter-in-law will like it, no matter how high the price is, it will be worth it.

Qin Sheng nodded, took out a tael of silver from his pocket and handed it over.

The currencies of the Great Zhou Kingdom and the Hai Kingdom are not interoperable, but silver is the common currency of each country, so this time Qin Sheng came here and brought some cash.

The stall owner took the money Qin Sheng handed over, and gave half of the change to Qin Sheng.

Qin Sheng took the money, took the mirror, and carefully kicked it back into his pocket, very precious.

The men in the same team jokingly joked, "Oh, Brother Qin Sheng, why do you buy things for women? You are a big man, why are you buying this thing?"

"What do you know, this is for my daughter-in-law!"

As he spoke, Qin Sheng showed a small and arrogant expression.

The guys continued to joke after hearing this, "Hey, I didn't expect Brother Qin Sheng to love his wife so much."

"That is, who made my daughter-in-law look beautiful. If your daughter-in-law can be as good-looking as mine, you will probably buy it for her too."

Qin Sheng's words made many men envious, but how many people are as lucky as Qin Sheng to marry such a beautiful woman.

Most women are pretty ordinary!
But for ordinary women, as long as they give birth to children and take care of the family, men will still miss them in their hearts.

After going away for more than a month, many men also thought of their children and wives at home, and couldn't help feeling a little sad.

Who would want to leave home if they could?Not all want to stay with family.

But for a better life, for the future, some things must be given up.

"When I earn money in Haiguo, I will bring one back to my wife."

"Yeah, there are a lot of novelties in this sea country, so bring some back with you later."

Now everyone basically has no money in their hands, so when they encounter these things, even if they want to buy them, they don't have the money to buy them.

In this way, the men who come here can't wait to succeed as soon as possible, earn money, bring good things back home, and enable their wives and children to live a prosperous life.

After Qin Sheng finished shopping, he greeted the men who were traveling with him and said, "Okay, everyone must be tired after traveling these days. We finally arrived in a town, so let's quickly find an inn to rest and get a good sleep first. a day or two.

By the way, I'm hungry at this point, let's go have a meal together. "

Although he arrived in Haiguo a few days ago, he never stopped.

Now in a bustling town, you can take a rest.

Because of the rush, the group of people basically couldn't eat well or sleep well. Basically, everyone lost a lot of weight and looked very tired.

(End of this chapter)

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