Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1632 Go shopping

Chapter 1632 Go shopping
Qin Sheng said lightly, "It has nothing to do with these, I just simply don't want to disappoint my wife, and I'm not interested in other women.

I can only feel things about the bed with my wife, not other women. "

Qin Sheng's stubbornness made others smile. Everyone has their own ideas and choices. Qin Sheng can only say that as a man, he has his own responsibilities and responsibilities.

People don't want to do things that are sorry for their daughter-in-law, so they can't stop them.

"Haha, Brother Qin Sheng, if you don't go, we can go!"

"You go and go."

"Okay, then find a woman to have fun first, and then come back to rest later."

As the men spoke, they stood up and prepared to go out.

Qin Sheng also let them go.

As a man, I can understand this kind of thing and have seen it a lot.

Qin Sheng didn't bother to take care of other people's affairs, he just felt that he could do well by himself.

It's not that he did something sorry for his wife.

Although he didn't look for a woman, Qin Sheng still felt very bored and couldn't sleep. After thinking about it, he decided to go for a walk in the street again.

If you encounter something novel and good, you can bring it back to Su Qingyao, and my wife will be very happy to see it.

Even if you can't buy any new and unusual things, you can still look at the things in the town and deepen your understanding of Haiguo, so that you can be more prepared for doing business in the future.

Qin Sheng went downstairs alone, wandering in the street, he couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

It's better to be a sea country.

If he doesn't go out, he doesn't know the gap between the two countries at all.

It is estimated that the citizens of the Great Zhou Kingdom cannot imagine what kind of life the people of the Hai Kingdom live.

Relatively speaking, there are fewer poor people in Haiguo than Dazhouguo. No matter how rich they live, as long as they work hard, they will have a bite to eat.

Unlike the Great Zhou Kingdom, if you don't have any land in your hands, and you don't have the ability, it's useless to try hard, and there is nothing you can do.

In Haiguo, people without land can work, do business, catch fish and eat, and other seafood products are also very rich.

Qin Sheng found many things that he had never seen before, and felt that they were very novel.

"Young master, do you want to eat oysters? I think they are delicious. I put a lot of minced garlic in my house. I guarantee that you will want to eat them after eating them."

When we arrived at a stall, a boss yelled hard.

After Qin Sheng took a look, he asked lightly, "Is it really delicious?"

"Delicious, delicious, guaranteed to be delicious."

Qin Sheng stretched his nose and sniffed it, not to mention, it smells really strange.

I could smell the garlic aroma from a long distance away, and thought it was very delicious, otherwise I wouldn't have come to have a look.

However, Qin Sheng had never seen oysters in the Great Zhou Kingdom. This kind of novelty, let alone seen it, had never even heard of it.

Now that I have come to Haiguo, I have to try new things to see how they are.

So Qin Sheng pointed at the oysters and said, "How do you sell these things?"

"Two pennies each."

Qin Sheng frowned when he heard this, and felt that it was a bit expensive, but the meat buns thought the previous one, and the oysters cost two cents each?
This thing looks like nothing!

The oyster seller seemed to see that Qin Sheng disliked expensive prices, so he explained to Qin Sheng, "Guest officer, the price of our oysters is completely reasonable, and there is absolutely no arbitrary price. Buy one and try it." Taste it and you’ll know, you get what you pay for.”

(End of this chapter)

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