Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1634 Meeting a Frightened Horse

Chapter 1634 Meeting a Frightened Horse
When passing by a flower house, the girl inside was enthusiastically inviting guests outside.

Qin Sheng looked at the gorgeously dressed woman without any interest.

But when the girls from Hualou saw him, they pestered him.

"Young master, come and play!"

"Young master! Go in and play?"

Qin Sheng shook his head, "Don't play!"

It would cost money to play, and it was just given to him to play. Qin Sheng didn't even bother to play, so he didn't have any interest at all.

"Oh, son, you are so handsome, if you go in and have fun, how about we not charge you?" A beautiful woman came over and pulled Qin Sheng.

Qin Sheng frowned and said, "I said not to play, don't you understand?
Don't say you don't need money, even if you post it to me, I don't bother to play. "

As Qin Sheng said, he broke away from the beautiful woman and left angrily.

The glamorous woman glanced at Qin Sheng's back and sighed, feeling a little pity.

She has never seen such a handsome man before, she is willing to play with Qin Sheng, after all, she can also have fun.

It's a pity that Qin Sheng was not happy!
What a strange man!

Other men ran over when they asked for money.

After Qin Sheng walked away for a certain distance, he patted his body and felt that his body was stained with the smell of rouge and gouache.

These women with heavy makeup and so much powder on their bodies are not afraid of being smoked to death by themselves!

Such a strong smell of powder, it still makes people feel uncomfortable after smelling it.

Qin Sheng continued walking for a while, looking at the shops on both sides of the street.

It would be a good choice to open a soap shop in the town!
At the beginning, he didn't have to pick a county, a big place like the imperial capital.

First try the effect in a small place, a small town, and then develop the business step by step.

Compared with county towns and big places like the imperial capital, the cost investment in small towns is much less.

Wait until the soap shop in Haiguo Town opens, then slowly go to the county town, and then to the imperial capital.

Just like his family's soap shop, it was also opened in the town at the beginning.

Once the reputation is established, the business will be much easier in the future.

Thinking in this way, Qin Sheng decided to look for a suitable shop, and he might as well settle down in this town for the time being.

When Qin Sheng was shopping just now, he made some inquiries and found that the town he is currently in is not bad.

There is a very popular temple here. Many high-ranking officials and rich families in Haiguo like to come here to burn incense and pay respects to Buddha, so it also drives the business in the town to a certain extent.

While shopping, Qin Sheng was lost in thought when he suddenly saw a carriage rushing towards him in the distance.

The horse galloped, evidently frightened.

And the carriage also swayed to and fro, which was a bit dangerous.

At this time, a woman's exclamation came from the carriage, and everyone on the street quickly avoided for fear of being hit.

Seeing this situation, Qin Sheng frowned.

He is not a meddling person, but letting the carriage run wild like this will not only hurt the people in the carriage, but also the people on the street.

After pondering for a while, Qin Sheng jumped up, sat on the horse's back, and then grabbed the whip.

With a roar, the horse finally stopped.

Qin Sheng was not very good at stretching out his hands. Ever since he failed to protect Su Qingyao and let Su Qingyao go to jail to suffer, Qin Sheng practiced martial arts hard every day when he came back, just to protect Su Qingyao better in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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