Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1648 Get praise

Chapter 1648 Get praise
As a scholar, he has read a lot of books, and he still has a certain foundation in literature. Even he can't speak like this, which shows that Qin Sheng is really capable.

As if a scholar had found a treasure, he went to the bustard and asked the bustard to show him the poems written by Qin Sheng.

After reading it, Xiucai was still chanting praises incessantly.

"Okay, okay! There are such good poems in the world. I have been studying for so many years, how many books I have read, and how many excellent works of everyone, but the level of this poem is really amazing. Even those celebrities Not necessarily as good as this one.

I didn't expect to see such a poem at a Hualou event today.

Not in vain, not in vain! "

After the scholar finished chanting in surprise, he took out a pen and paper, and copied the poem written by Qin Sheng, preparing to publicize the poem back.

This kind of extraordinary work is like a treasure for scholars, and they can't appreciate it enough.

Holding it in my hand, I read it over and over again, savoring every sentence carefully.

Not to mention writing such a good poem, even writing a few sentences in it is amazing.

Among these poems, Qin Sheng's finally won the first prize, and the other participants did not have any opinions.

After all, there is a gap, and everyone is self-aware, and will not try to surpass Qin Sheng with the cheek.

In this way, Qin Sheng was finally chosen as the winner, and the bustard also delivered the prepared gifts to Qin Sheng as agreed in advance, and gave Qin Sheng and his team a free discount for today.

The men who came with Qin Sheng all looked at Qin Sheng gratefully and said, "Oh, today we are entrusted with the blessing of Brother Qin Sheng!"

"That's right, if Brother Qin Sheng won the first prize today, we would have to pay for the drinks. Haha, now it's all right, we can open our bellies and drink."

"That's right, brother Qin Sheng, it's great to be with you, it's a blessing."



Facing the compliment, Qin Sheng just smiled politely and didn't say anything.

After all, he didn't write this poem, and Qin Sheng didn't think he had the ability to win the first prize.

But his purpose is these prizes.

Holding the prize, Qin Sheng sighed in his heart, "That's great, my daughter-in-law will definitely like it."

As he said that, he touched the few beautiful jewelry, looking cautious, for fear of breaking them.

Seeing that Qin Sheng wasn't interested in anything else, the men couldn't help but joked, "Brother Qin Sheng, why are you looking at these jewelry? You're a big man, don't you?" I like things about mother-in-law."

"Haha, Brother Qin Sheng, why did you suddenly participate in this event? So you like these kinds of jewelry?

For a big man, he likes women's jewelry, and his taste is not the same as ours. "

"Brother Qin Sheng, what's the point of these women's jewelry? Hurry up and look at these other things."

Being ridiculed by these people, Qin Sheng's face darkened slightly and he said, "What nonsense, I'm naturally not interested in my mother-in-law's things. It's not because these jewelry are beautiful, I want to give them to my wife. Look back at my daughter-in-law. When it arrives, I’m sure you’ll like it.”

Hearing what Qin Sheng said, the men realized that Qin Sheng was planning to give it to his daughter-in-law.

(End of this chapter)

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