Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1654 Who is more beautiful

Chapter 1654 Who is more beautiful
"No wonder you can become the oiran of Wanhualou, the beauty of this oiran is different.

Brother Qin Sheng, good luck!You didn't know what he looked like just now, so forget it.Seeing her face now, don't miss it when you face such a beautiful woman who is so overwhelming. "

"Oh... oh... how can there be such a beautiful woman? She really looks like a fairy!"



Hearing these men's flattery, Qin Sheng felt a little impatient.

He didn't like it, and he wasn't interested in this Wanhualou oiran, so no matter how his parents were, he didn't think it had anything to do with him.

So what if he grows into a fairy?

Qin Sheng just glanced at Miss Ruyu indifferently to see what she looks like, and she is so praised.

After seeing Miss Ruyu's appearance, Qin Sheng was a little dismissive.

Hehe, pretty is pretty, but there is a bit of a gap between her and his wife.

The reason why everyone thinks Miss Ruyu is good-looking is because she is well dressed, the clothes she wears, and the jewelry she wears make her charming and charming.

But his daughter-in-law is very simple, she basically doesn't lose her makeup, and doesn't have so many beautiful clothes and jewelry.

It's not because Su Qingyao is reluctant to buy it and has no money to buy it, but because she thinks it's unnecessary to live in the country and dress up so fancy.

However, Su Qingyao is naturally beautiful, even without makeup, she looks very beautiful, fresh and pleasant.

Maybe in the eyes of men, what they like more is the kind of fancy-dressed women, like Miss Ruyu.

Qin Sheng only felt that these men had no vision, and wanted to argue that her daughter-in-law was more beautiful, but then he thought it would be useless even if he tried to argue, and it was completely pointless to argue with these people.

Simply forget it, these people can say whatever they like.

As long as his wife is the prettiest in his eyes.

He also didn't want other men to think that Su Qingyao was unattractive, so he didn't have to worry about his woman being missed by other men.

Thinking of the scar on Su Qingyao's face before, it was very safe.

Now he looks better, and there are many men who like his wife.Don't talk about anything else, just talk about Bai Luotian and Mu Shaoqing, which one doesn't miss his wife?
Thinking like this, Qin Sheng suddenly became worried about leaving Su Qingyao at home alone.

He was not around to look at Su Qingyao, who knew if those flowers and plants would come to him.

If he snatched his wife away, he would have to cry to death.

Just when Qin Sheng was thinking about it, a little frowning, Miss Ruyu had already walked up to Qin Sheng.

She took small steps when she walked, showing the elegant demeanor of a lady.

When Miss Ruyu approached Qin Sheng, she could see Qin Sheng's face more clearly.

Compared with other men, Qin Sheng's face is really handsome.I'm afraid that anyone who is a woman will be fascinated by this face.

The same is true for Ruyu girl, her heart secretly promises.

She thought that this would be the case in her life, but she didn't expect to meet a man she likes today.And in the days when she chose her first night, it might be specially arranged by God for him.

"My lord, Ruyu is being polite." Miss Ruyu walked up to Qin Sheng and saluted, making her even more polite and gentle.

The man who followed behind Qin Sheng stared straight at Miss Ruyu, and couldn't get enough of it.

(End of this chapter)

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