Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1656: Humiliated

Chapter 1656: Humiliated

Miss Ruyu was taken aback for a moment, and then she realized that it turned out that she was disgusted by Qin Sheng.

how could be……

She is as beautiful as a flower, and her dress at this time is also very glamorous and moving.

Among other things, just from the astonishing eyes of the Wanhualou man looking at her now, Miss Ruyu, you know what you look like, and you are not blindly arrogant and confident.

But such a beautiful face, Qin Sheng didn't even look at her, and his attitude towards her was so indifferent...

Strong self-esteem made Ruyu girl not allow this.


"What else do you want to say? This is where Wanhualou does business? Or do you mean that all the girls in it are like this and don't want to be rude? When you see a man, you just stick to it?"

Qin Sheng didn't want to talk harshly at first, but this girl Ruyu was dangling in front of him, entangled like a dog's skin plaster, Qin Sheng was afraid to continue, and what Miss Ruyu would do.

In addition, there are people from the same village behind him, if any gossip spreads back to his wife's ears, he will not be able to clean it up even if he jumps into the Yellow River.

So no matter what, Qin Sheng had to keep his distance from other women, especially from beautiful women.

Undoubtedly, for him now, Miss Ruyu is the most dangerous person.

After being told by Qin Sheng like this, Miss Ruyu blushed, and her face was also a little hot.

Why did Qin Sheng treat her like this?
Miss Ruyu felt that the other girls in Wanhualou were secretly making fun of her. Today in Wanhualou, she lost her face, right?
The little maid next to Miss Ruyu hurriedly reminded her, "Miss, let's go quickly, don't stay here, lest we humiliate ourselves and be laughed at by others."

This flower building is very complicated.

Although Miss Ruyu occupies the title of Oiran, there are many people waiting for her to fall.

After all, there are many girls in Wanhualou.

Where there are women, it is inevitable that there will be some open and secret fights, especially in the Wanhua Building where there are some other beautiful women.

Now that Miss Ruyu has made such a fuss, the price has dropped a bit.If you continue to persevere and be humiliated by Qin Sheng, I'm afraid it will damage your reputation.

So it's better to go back now, so as not to continue to be humiliated and ridiculed.

Miss Ruyu bit down bitterly. Although she was a little bit unwilling, she still went back with the little maid.

Qin Sheng heaved a sigh of relief, he was fine now, but he finally left without causing any trouble.

The guys in the company couldn't help saying that Qin Sheng was a bit stupid, such a beautiful woman took the initiative, and Qin Sheng refused so much, it really hurt the beauty's heart.

No matter what others said, Qin Sheng just dismissed it, thinking that what these people said was too exaggerated.

Maybe they don't understand that once they have a woman in their hearts, they can't hold other women anymore.

It doesn't matter if she is pretty or not, liking someone is not liking her face.

Look at a person for a long time, in fact, appearance does not matter,

After Miss Ruyu left, Qin Sheng thought of the purpose of coming here today, so he said to the servant girl in Wanhua Building, "Where is your bustard here, I want to find her, can you call her over? "

The servant girl in Hualou nodded in response, "Okay, my lord, wait for a while, I'll go and call mom over here."

The men around Qin Sheng were a little puzzled, what did Qin Sheng call Hua Lou's old bustard to do here.

(End of this chapter)

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