Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1661 Talk about good business

Chapter 1661 Talk about good business
What Qin Sheng didn't know was that his inadvertent behavior would become something that a girl would remember for a lifetime.

He was like a ray of sunshine shining into her gloomy life.

Although she never saw him again, he was always imprinted in her heart.

The madam of Wanhualou has witnessed the efficacy of toothpaste with her own eyes, and she is also very interested in this thing.

Whether it's soap or toothpaste, she thinks it's good, and wants to buy it from Qin Sheng, even if it costs a lot.

"Young master, then hurry up and sell me your soap and toothpaste. I have a lot of girls in Wanhualou, and I need a lot of them. You can prepare some more for me.

As for the money, it is easy to discuss, and I will definitely not treat you badly, young master! The old bustard's eyes were shining brightly, wishing that Qin Sheng would quickly hand over these two things so that she could give them to the girls in Wanhualou.

Intersecting with the impatience of Wanhualou's bustard, Qin Sheng seemed much calmer.

Qin Sheng said, "Don't worry, I still have something to show you!"

The bustard of Wanhualou was stunned, obviously he didn't expect that Qin Sheng had other good things in his hands.

After being stunned for a moment, the bustard was still interested and very excited.

She can't wait for Qin Sheng to change and come out with some good things!
"What is it? Young master, quickly take it out and show it to me!"

Qin Sheng showed the last thing, which was skin care products, to the old bustard of Wanhualou without haste.

After introducing the efficacy of this skin care product, the madam became even more excited.

If this thing is used, the skin of the girls in Wanhualou will become fair and tender, and the skin will become better, which is a great thing.

Once white covers all ugliness, a woman will look much better when she is white.

It would be a great thing to wait for the girls in the flower building to look better.

The business in Hualou will definitely be better in Huihui.

The procuress of Wanhualou is very discerning and far-sighted, and she is willing to invest in the girls in Hualou.

She knows better than anyone else that in this kind of place, it's the girls who fight. If the girl is good, the business will be good. If the girl is not good, if the man can't be kept, how can the business be good?
"However, the effect of this skin care product does not take three or two days to be effective, but it takes a while. I have no way to test it in front of you, but you can use it for a while and see the effect, and you will know what I mean Whether true or false."

The old bustard had already witnessed the miraculous effects of soap and toothpaste just now, and now 1 people believed what Qin Sheng said was completely true.

Those two things are so amazing, what else is impossible!
"You don't need to try, young master, of course I believe in you! I want all these good things from you, young master, please pay a price!" The old bustard urged impatiently.

Qin Sheng was not greedy either, but quoted the price to the bustard.

At the beginning, Qin Sheng didn't intend to ask for a high price. For soap, it was still two hundred yuan a piece. Toothpaste was priced the same as before, not expensive.As for skin care products, Qin Sheng gave a discount of [-] Wen a set.

After hearing the price, the old bustard agreed, seeing that such a good thing was not expensive at all.

In fact, even if Qin Sheng proposed a higher price, she was willing to accept it.

Qin Sheng just wanted to make a name for himself with Wanhualou, and the old bustard was so cool that he also agreed on the document very readily, and both parties signed it.

(End of this chapter)

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