Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1680 The Shop Opens

Chapter 1680 The Shop Opens

In addition, there are some decent girls and wives who are inquiring about the situation.

There are rumors that the girls in Wanhualou become more beautiful. Women have high requirements on their appearance, and they all hope that they can become better and more beautiful. When encountering such a situation, they naturally want to find out why, so that they can change themselves. Change.

Although I heard about soap, toothpaste and skin care products, I knew that these things existed, but I didn’t know where to buy them.

Only the girls in Wanhualou can use these things.

For a while, all the women in the town envied the girls in the tens of thousands of flowers.

Some very rich people relied on their connections to buy soap, toothpaste and skin care products at high prices from the girls in Wanhualou.

These days, women are proud of owning soap, toothpaste, and skin care products.

It's a pity that these things are basically hard to get except for the girls in Wanhualou.

Rare things are more expensive, the more things people can't get, the more precious they will be. This soap, toothpaste and skin care products are like this.

Qin Sheng was paying attention to the movements in the town, and he was very satisfied when he saw that Dongshi's reputation had already been established.

Everyone wants to rush to buy, so they don't worry about business problems.

After staying in Haiguo for a period of time, Qin Sheng found that Haiguo is generally richer than Dazhouguo.

And the women here are more beautiful than the women in the Great Zhou Kingdom.

The folk customs here are open, which is somewhat different from that of the Great Zhou Kingdom.A woman can even marry two men, all three men.

The status of women in the family will also be slightly higher.

Qin Sheng doesn't care about these things, what he cares about is that the economic power in the hands of the woman in Haiguo is not bad, and she can have quite a lot of money to spend on the things he buys.

Although the business is doing well in the Great Zhou Kingdom, Qin Sheng knows that compared with the Hai Kingdom, it must be far behind.

First of all, many women in the Great Zhou Kingdom have to listen to men first and ask men for their opinions.

For such a valuable thing, when a man does not agree to buy it, a woman has no choice but not to buy it, even if she wants it very much.

In addition, there are not as many rich people in Da Zhou Kingdom as Hai Bo, so their spending power will naturally be far behind.

When the women in the town were chasing good things like soap, toothpaste, and skin care products, Qin Sheng also took the time to speed up the progress of the shop's renovation.

At the same time, let the men hurry up to make soap, and when the shop opens later, the supply of goods must be guaranteed.

Since some earn, then earn more money.

If things are not sold enough, making money will naturally be affected.

However, within ten days, Qin Sheng's shop was renovated. Before the official opening, Qin Sheng released the news that it would sell soap, toothpaste, and skin care products.

When the news was released, many people didn't believe it, thinking that Qin Sheng was just chewing on a gimmick, and he might not really be selling these things.

After all, many people can't buy it through their relationship, so how could they suddenly open a shop?

Some people doubt it, but many people believe it.

As soon as Qin Sheng opened the store, many women from the town came over, fearing that they would miss the opportunity to buy soap, toothpaste or skin care products.

On the first day of opening, so many people came, and the front of the shop was so crowded that Qin Sheng was surprised.

Although Qin Sheng expected many people to come, he did not expect so many people to come.

(End of this chapter)

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