Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1683 Almost fell

Chapter 1683 Almost fell

Xiang'er shook her head, feeling that her young lady is precious, and she wanted to help her wherever she went.

Otherwise, if there is a slight mistake, the master and wife will have to skin her.

Especially for those who are away from home, the master and wife specially reminded them to take good care of the young lady and never let the young lady make any mistakes.

These Xiang'er are all kept in mind, and they don't dare to be vague at all.

"Miss, it's fine if I don't help you under normal circumstances, but look, there are so many people here, if you are not careful, you may be bumped into by others, I am really worried.

So miss, I'd better help you to feel at ease. "

Seeing Xiang'er talking so solemnly, there was worry in her brows and eyes.Gongsun Qian nodded helplessly, "Okay, okay, my good Xianger, can I agree to let you support me? Just stop talking, okay?"

"Well! Miss, I have to take good care of you anyway, and I can't let anything happen to you."

The two arrived in front of the shop, but because there were too many people, the two of them couldn't squeeze in.

"I don't know what is sold in this shop, why are these people crowding in so frantically?" Gongsunqian sighed in Xiang'er's ear.

Xiang'er nodded, "Yeah, I've never seen a store that sells so well. Everyone rushed in to grab it like crazy. Those who didn't know thought they were selling some kind of panacea. They missed it." It's gone.

Miss, stand a little farther away, and don't go with these people, we won't be able to squeeze through at all. "

Compared to the sturdy women on the side, Xiang'er and Gongsunqian looked like they were blowing willows like the wind. Their small bodies were extremely weak, and they didn't usually work much. There is no way to compare with women who often do rough work.

As soon as Xiang'er finished speaking, a woman squeezed beside the two of them, pouted her buttocks, and quickly pushed them aside.

Under the impact of the woman's buttocks, Gongsun Qian staggered and fell to the side. If it wasn't for Xiang'er's sharp eyesight and quick hands to pull her, she would probably have fallen and ate shit.

After supporting Gongsun Qian, Xiang'er patted her chest in shock and sighed, "Hey, I was so scared to death, miss, if you get hurt by something, I don't think I can survive. "

Gongsun Qian twitched the corners of her mouth with a wry smile, "Xiang'er, it's not as serious as you said, even if I accidentally hurt you, it's not your fault, no one can bully you.

Don't worry, with your lady here, I guarantee that no one will dare to touch you. "

Xiang'er looked at Gongsunqian with some emotion.

After she said that, Xiang'er felt even more guilty.

It's all her fault, she failed to protect the young lady, and the young lady was almost injured.

After blaming herself, Xiang'er looked angrily at the woman who had squeezed over just now, and reasoned, "Ma'am, can't you line up properly? Why are you squeezing us? You almost knocked us down." .”

The woman was only in her 20s, and she was very upset to hear that Xiang'er called her aunt.

She is probably not a few years older than Xiang'er, so how did she become an aunt?Isn't this secretly calling her old?

So he replied to Xiang'er angrily, "You little girl, are you blind or have a poisonous mouth? What kind of aunt, if you want to call it, you will call it big sister."

(End of this chapter)

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