Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1685 Unbelievable

Chapter 1685 Unbelievable
After a while, Xiang'er came back and explained the situation to Gongsunqian.

"Miss, I heard that this shop sells some kind of soap and toothpaste, I have never heard of such weird things.

But these women said that soap can make people's body clean, and the dirt on the body can be scrubbed clean, and there is still a fragrance on the body after washing.

Not only that, but the skin can also become smoother and less rough.

As for this toothpaste, it is said that it is used for brushing teeth, and the effect is much better than that of salt. After brushing, the breath can become very fresh, and it will not leave a strange smell in the mouth.The most important thing is to be able to clean teeth and make teeth white, not so yellow.

By the way, I also heard that this shop sells skin care products. After using them, the skin can become very good. It can lighten the spots on the face, remove acne, and make the skin white and smooth..."

After hearing what Xiang'er said, Gongsun Qian found it incredible.

There is such a miraculous thing?
I think she has a lot of experience, because of her family background, she has basically seen all the novelty and good things in Haiguo, but now what Xianger said is almost unheard of, and the effect does not seem to be true. .

"Xiang'er, are these all true?" Gongsun Qian asked curiously.

Xiang'er shook her head and said helplessly, "Miss, I don't know if it's true, but I just heard what these people said. It feels very mysterious. If it's true, it would be too amazing, right? I I've never seen anything like this before!"

Xiang'er also expressed disbelief.

Gongsunqian thought for a while, "Since these people said so, and so many people came to buy it, it shouldn't be fake. If it was fake, would so many people be deceived?"

Gongsun Qian believes that there are many idiots in the world, but she knows that idiots will not make up the majority.

So many people can't all be deceived.

So the efficacy of these things may be largely true.

If it is true, Gongsun Qian is also very interested.

The efficacy of these things is too tempting for women.

Even a beautiful girl like Gongsunqian is still pursuing beauty. After all, no one would dislike being better-looking.

"Miss, what you said makes sense, so why don't we buy it too? Miss, other people can use such a good thing, so you should be able to use it too.

I heard just now that this shop opened for the first time. I didn't expect so many people to come here. I was afraid that it would be too late to buy and all the things would be sold out. "Xiang'er frowned as she spoke, thinking that such a good thing must be snatched by her own lady.

"But there are so many people here, even if we want to buy it, I'm afraid it will be difficult to squeeze in and buy it." Gongsun Qian sighed. Although she wanted it very much, she was more rational and felt that the possibility of buying it was relatively slim.

"Miss, otherwise, you can go to the side and find a place to rest, or go back to the carriage to rest, and Xiang'er squeezes in to see if you can snatch it." Xiang'er raised it.

She is small, so it is not difficult to squeeze in.

If Gongsun Qian was by her side, she still had to take care of Gongsun Qian. If she was distracted, it would not be easy to squeeze in, and she didn't want Gongsun Qian to suffer from this. But she squeezed by herself, but nothing happened.

(End of this chapter)

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