Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1687 One day's income

Chapter 1687 One day's income
Coincidentally, she is also very interested in soap and toothpaste, and now she can go back and try to see the effect.

Gongsun Qian looked away from Qin Sheng with some reluctance, wiped the sweat on Xiang'er's forehead with a handkerchief, and then smiled softly, "Well, let's go."

"Okay, miss." Xiang'er smiled, with a happy smile on her face.

Qin Sheng was still busy in the shop.

For the next whole day, the business in Qin Sheng's store was unspeakably busy.

I don't know why there are so many women in Haiguo, and how all the women are so rich.

This price is actually quite a lot. In the Great Zhou Kingdom, many women would be reluctant to buy it.

But the women in this sea country are different.

Even those who have no money crowded over to buy, even if they borrowed money to buy.

The fanaticism of women in Haiguo towards cosmetics surprised Qin Sheng.

But that's fine too.

Anyway, his clients are women. The more beautiful women are, the more they are willing to spend money on themselves, and the better it is for his business.

At the beginning, I chose Haiguo and came all the way to do business. Now that I think about it, I feel that it is very right and worth it.

At the end of the day, wait until sunset to finally close.

Qin Sheng took an inventory of today's accounts. The soap was sold for 1000 yuan on the first day, and the toothpaste was sold for more, [-] copies.Even expensive skin care products sold [-] sets in one day.

What are these numbers?Even for the shops in the county town of Dazhou, the sales volume for a few days is estimated to be equivalent to two taels of this day.

Not to mention the income, the soap is more than 1000 yuan, and it is estimated that I earned more than 200 taels of silver. The price of toothpaste is not that high, but it sells for small profits and sells for 30 taels of silver in a day.The quantity of skin care products is small, but the unit price is high. If you turn it down, you can probably earn more than 100 taels.

Added together, that is an income of nearly 400 taels of silver.

Because it was half discounted, and the discount was half, I still earned nearly 200 taels.

For a shop, earning dozens or even hundreds of taels a month is already remarkable.

But this one shop alone has so much profit in a day, it is estimated that others will be shocked if it is said.

The profit made on the first day also made the guys who came out with Qin Sheng full of confidence.

At this speed, a piece of world will soon be opened up in Haiguo.

Although the second day and the third day were a little less crowded than the first day, the business was still very good.

Not only people from the town came to buy, but people from other nearby villages and towns heard the news and came to buy.

There are also some middlemen who want to ship to other places to sell at a higher price, that is, to resell in the middle to make money, and they have to come to the store with a large amount every time.

After the soap and toothpaste were used by people, the efficacy spread, and the reputation in the town became bigger and bigger.

Seeing that the shop's business has stabilized, Qin Sheng is not satisfied with the status quo, and immediately prepares to open a soap shop in the county.

In addition, Qin Sheng arranged several people to be responsible for building a factory and recruiting workers in Haiguo.

The remuneration given by the factory is relatively generous, and recruitment is easy.

The first factory was built to provide supply for several nearby towns and several nearby counties.

Waiting to open the shop to a further place, we have to arrange to build a factory.

When Qin Sheng brought people over, he chose carefully and selected reliable people to take charge of some matters, so that he could be distracted and arrange other things.

(End of this chapter)

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