Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1689 Makeup for Cao Shi

Chapter 1689 Makeup for Cao Shi

Su Qingyao smiled and said, "Haha, sister-in-law three, there must be something for you to come here. Come on, you sit down first."

The three of them sat down, Shen's temperament was gentler, Cao's and Wang Jinlan were both impatient.

Su Qingyao asked them to sit down, but she didn't say what it was, and became even more impatient.

Mrs. Cao couldn't help asking, "I said fifth brother and sister, tell us what's going on quickly, if you don't tell me, it's like something is scratching my heart, it's tickling me to death."

Wang Jinlan followed suit, "Yes, sister Qingyao, you have to tell us what's going on."

Seeing Cao's appearance like this, Su Qingyao felt a little cute.

Then he replied in a few words, "Actually, it's not a big deal, I just want to help you transform and make you all become great beauties."

After hearing Su Qingyao's words, Cao couldn't help laughing, "I said fifth sibling, aren't you joking with us?

Look at the face of your third sister-in-law, she has already grown like this, how can she become a great beauty? "

Wang Jinlan also waved her hand and said, "Sister Qingyao, don't make fun of us. I know what I look like. With my virtue, how could it be so easy to become a beautiful woman?" Yeah. Unless you can change my face."

Even Shen couldn't help but said, "Sister Yao, we are all in our 40s and [-]s, and we are different from you young girl. You see we all have wrinkles on our faces, we just want to change. Beauty is impossible."

Su Qingyao saw that the three people's attitudes were very negative, she didn't believe her words at all, and she didn't get angry, but smiled instead.

If Su Qingyao was in this era, she probably wouldn't believe this either.

But from the 21st century, she is very clear about the magical effects of cosmetics.

As long as the makeup is good, it is not impossible for a 50-year-old aunt to become a little girl.

Regarding the transformation of Wang Jinlan and the three of them, Su Qingyao couldn't wait to try it and let them witness the miraculous effect.

So Su Qingyao didn't explain much, but still smiled and said, "Haha, don't be in a hurry, come one by one, after I finish the operation, you can come and see if what I said is true.

Who is willing to come over and give me a try first? "

Although I think what Su Qingyao said is a bit mysterious, but the relationship between several people is very good.

No matter what Su Qingyao said is true or not, Su Qingyao must be supported first.

So Cao was the first to say, "Fifth brother and sister, let me come first and see how you can turn me into a great beauty."

After finishing speaking, Cao could not help but smile.

In the village, Cao's appearance is not very ugly, but it has absolutely nothing to do with beauty.

Because her skin is yellow and dull, and there are some spots on her face, which directly affects the overall appearance.

In addition, his facial features are not very good-looking, so he was often disgusted by Qin Fang in the past.

Su Qingyao stared at Cao Shi for a few times. Cao Shi's face shape is not very good-looking, and her eyes are slightly smaller. The biggest problem is the skin.

But with makeup, these shortcomings can be made up for.

After having a plan in mind, Su Qingyao picked up the cosmetics and began to put on Cao's makeup.

Su Qingyao first took out the foundation and wiped it on Cao's face. After applying a layer, her skin looked much better immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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